Thursday, December 10, 2009

Attention gun manufacturers, retailers, and gun accessory manufacturers and retailers: Can we please, please stop with the scantily clad models holding or using firearms in an unsafe manner?

Look, I'm in sales & marketing. I understand the axiom that "sex sells". I know you have to know your target audience, and that your particular demographic is overwhelmingly male. For the tactical/operator/HSLD accessory guys, your target is even narrower, comprised mainly of 22-35ish males (WAG here, but I'll bet I'm not too far off). Props for knowing your audience and knowing what they want to see in their ads.

Now, I'm probably in the minority here. I don't want to see some scantily clad bimbo holding your gun/magazine/gun-related-widget like it was a turd while smiling and thrusting her silicone-enhanced breasts at the camera. I'd rather see a burly dude beating the ever-lovin' snot out of it and it still working, but then again, I've always been a little weird.

But really. Can we please put a stop to the egregious violations of basic gun safety? I mean, the finger on the trigger is bad enough, but can we please stop having the model point the gun at the camera? Or leaning the muzzle in towards her body? Not only are you setting a poor example, but you're gift-wrapping a nice fat little Freudian present to the gun-grabbers who snicker at gun owners and claim compensation issues are behind gun ownership.

And videos. [shakes head] If I never see another set of implants bouncing up and down while the model fires a full-auto weapon 15-20 feet over the berm I'll be a happy man. While we're at it, can we knock off the stupid "shooting in a bikini" nonsense, too? While I appreciate the female form as much as the next guy, seeing some model who knows about as much about guns as I know about brain surgery shooting the latest uber-tacticool whizbang blaster with a form that would make Weaver weep doesn't make me want to buy your product. Nor does seeing a porn-star lookalike shooting a gun without eye or ear protection, for that matter.

Resorting to the tired clichéd "booth babe" to sell your product tells me that you have no new ideas, that your product probably doesn't do whatever it's supposed to do substantially better than your competitors, and/or you don't hold your customers in very high regard. You're essentially saying, "hey, here's something shiny to look at!" rather than offering a product that will stand out on its own. Your product should be the center of attention, not the model you hired to stand around holding it for the photo shoot.

I think the most irritating thing is seeing safety violations, though. Companies that make and sell firearms and/or firearms accessories should have the absolute highest regard for the four rules, for basic common sense, and for good firearms etiquette. While eye and ear protection aren't part of the four rules, insuring your spokespeople utilize both shows that you have an attention to detail and a knowledge of the shooting community. Having a bikini-clad model fire a semi-automatic weapon in the general vicinity of a berm while brass rains down around her might make for interesting cinematography, but it's lousy gun handling plain and simple.

There are plenty of female shooters, gunnies, and gun bloggers. Any one of them would make a better model than some 22 year old bimbette who's never held a gun before in her life. Saying "we'd rather hire some model than a less-perfect physical specimen who knows her way around a gun cabinet" is insulting to female gunnies and to the shooting community in general. We're better than that. We know what it's like to be marginalized, ignored, and/or looked down upon. We should demand better from those that seek to earn our business.

I'd rather see Breda in camo shooting an M24 at 1,000 yards over some silicone sweetie any day.

That is all.


libertyman said...

Yes, I agree Jay. However, you could have illustrated your argument with 10 or 20 of the worst examples Maybe more.

Top of the Chain said...

A-G-R-E-E-D & can I hear an AMEN!

Yes I can, AMEN!

Julie said...

I totally agree with you - whenever I see a bikini clad women holding a gun I cringe ... hot brass HURTS ...

Lissa said...

Hmmmm. Does hot brass melt silicone? After all, if fire can melt steel . . .

Anonymous said...

I agree too Jay. I'd generally rather watch the "bloggershoot babes" slinging lead. But then I.............. ahhhhhh....SHINY!

PISSED said...

This thread is use-less without pictures ;)

West, By God said...

There are plenty of "babes" who really can shoot, and don't need to be scantily clad to sell me a gun. Just ask any of the kick-ass gals sponsored by Glock, S&W, etc. Julie Golob? Jessie Abbate? Good lookin' ladies who can shoot better than me in their sleep. I would take their advice long before I'd take the advice of miss silicon barbie.

ASM826 said...

While I will not buy a gun based on pretty models, I am willing to look at the most outrageous and offensive examples of scantily clad/nude models holding guns that can be found. Following the 4 Rules, of course.

Ben said...

I agree but with an exception.I have no problem with using beautiful women to sell your product IF they actually know what they are talking about.I woman in a bikini is cool a woman who looks good in a bikini and can shoot sub 1" groups is AWESOME!!!

DoubleTapper said...

Jay- Here in Israel where all of the Women serve in the IDF we get used to the idea that Women and guns go together.

But I guess it's different in Massachusetts. Does this work for you?

DoubleTapper, blogging on Guns Politics Defense from Israel

breda said...

Thank you, Jay. Fantastic post.

(I suppose I'm going to have to address this issue now, aren't I?)

Wally said...

I saw the title to this post and figured you were trolling for more corporate support.

But I totally agree with your points on cheap promotional material showing so much bad gun handling.

It is sad to say, but when I teach basic pistol to noobs, the first part of the class is spent directly adressing bad habits that have been driven home by holywood. Riding the slide, finger on the trigger, cagney&lacey twirl. Thankfully Miami Vice has faded and shoulder holsters are finally disappearing from the new shooters.

Farm.Dad said...

Having been there , It just doesnt get any better than breda doing new things with firearms , first steel , first long range rifle , and the other ladies were just as sweet to watch on the range having fun with new guns and experiences . I agree with your take on the marketing .

Caleb said...

"Cagney and Lacy twirl"? Since that show was before my time, you'll have to explain that one.

Wally said...

Shoot in the isocolese pose, then when done retract your arms back to your chest so that your hand are shoulder height, point the muzzle straight up, usually within an inch of your nose or chin (depending on barrel lenth) then rotate 360° for a threat scan.

It's amazingly horrifying to watch.

Keith said...

I'm in partial agreement with you Jay, the exception being that Jessia Abbate can do anything she wants with a gun, and I won't complain of any picture taken of it.

Steve said...

Good post. I've noticed similar bad behavior in TV (even Mythbusters) and movies too.

But I do have a question for ya Mr. Sales and marketing professional... When was the last time you noticed anyone at the local range that worked for Hill, Holliday or another well known ad agency?

I figure the vendors have too much influence on the creative process either that or they're getting really bad advice from people who are lucky to figure out which end of the stock to hold.

Thanks again for bringing the issue up to a wide audience

HK_USP_45 said...

Funny all the females coming out of the woodwork to agree with you on this one.

I kind of agree, and see where you're coming from. I never mind looking at classy women holding guns, even if scantily clad. I just don't care for the super-Bimbo looking ones. I think one difference to me is if she looks like she knows what she is doing with the gun.

Halle Berry in a bikini holding a gun...mmmm

Back to your point -- if a company uses a bikini model to sell their wares, I automatically stereotype that they are gimmicky and probably not selling that great of a product. My first thought is that they are trying to sell more to the 15-20 year old boys, then to someone serious about shooting. That's why companies like Trijicon, Magpul -- all the serious companies -- would never use bikini bimbos to sell their product.

skipelec said...

I do like what Oleg does though.

Ben said...

here with a couple of exceptions (and one underage but competent)are some hot babes with guns

Anonymous said...

I hate the videos simply because they show more of the girl and not enough of the gun.

I watch gun porn for the gun part.

B Smith said...

I have to agree that competence is sexy. When it comes to women with firearms, I'm with ya---rather see a woman with a good stance, eye & ear protection, and a smokin' hot firearm than some jiggly 4B (that is, Bleached-Blonde Bimbo w/ a Boob-job) who can't shoot...let the word be passed.

WV: caniner---more of a dog than you