Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Patrick expects ‘fear mongering’ by foes

Firing an early salvo in the 2010 gubernatorial race, Governor Deval L. Patrick predicted yesterday that his opponents in next year’s election would use “fear mongering’’ and seek to prey on voters’ apprehension about their economic security.

Speaking with reporters at a year-end press briefing, Patrick said that with state and national economic conditions the way they are, his challengers will try to exploit the public’s concerns in trying to persuade voters not to reelect him.
Got that? Pointing out your opponent's abysmal record of jacking up fees and taxes; hiring cronies and other state hacks at an alarming rate while the rest of the state faces record unemployment; and generally being completely and utterly clueless as to how to govern a state can't possibly be the reason. It's got to be fear mongering. I guess it's a step in the right direction that he didn't automatically cry racism, but I suspect that will wait until the race really heats up.

Besides, do we really want another four years of this???

Cadillac Deval

Something tells me that the fear is justified, Governor.

That is all.


TOTWTYTR said...

If you don't vote for him, you're a racist.

You know that's coming.

Weer'd Beard said...

And his record and behavior have been a GREAT canary for the President Obama Colmine.

And OOH that canary doesn't look so good!