Friday, January 29, 2010

Blogroll Adds and Changes...

Got a few more additions to the blogroll and one update today.


1. Starik Igolkin's Blog. Starik had one of the nicest things to say to me in the e-mail he sent letting me know I was on his blogroll: "And while I can't really call you my blog dad (I first started a blog in 2005), LawDog, Ambulance Driver, Tam, you, and few others were the main reason I got back into it." Wow! Thanks.

2. Morality Deferred Until Further Notice. CueBall from the Gunblogger Conspiracy IRC channel. Be warned - sometimes his content is, well, NSFW. He's one hell of a photographer, and well-worth a read.

3. Fait of the World. Faitmaker e-mailed me to let me know he'd added MArooned to his blogroll and to point out his first post, a review of a Ceiner conversion kit for the AR-15. Good stuff!

4. Interned in Northfield. I love the "About": "My Blog. My Space. Free Speech Here. Mine. Not Yours." Heh. We appreciate cranky here at MArooned... :)

Welcome aboard all!


Reese at My Constructed Reality has moved from Blogger to Wordpress. Please adjust your blogrolls accordingly...

That's it for this week's update. Remember, the blogroll over to your right is a (more or less) reciprocal roll. If you've got MArooned on your blogroll and are not represented, shoot me an e-mail, leave me a comment, send me a note on Facebook, do anything short of hurling a rock through my window in the middle of the night...

Blogroll's getting lengthy - I like that!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding my new blog. Interned In Northfield.
Why does God make good conservatives live in horribly infested areas of libtards....
Cranky about covers it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding my new blog. Interned In Northfield.
Why does God make good conservatives live in horribly infested areas of libtards....
Cranky about covers it!

Anonymous said...

JAy, Congratulations on the Brown election up there.

I have had you on my blogroll for a while, come visit my place sometime!