Monday, January 18, 2010


We were woken up at 4AM by a large (think end-of-the-world) CRACK as a sizable (12" diameter) branch fell off the tree in front of our house. It landed on our electric line, ripping it off the house and throwing the still-live line across the driveway and across the street (the pole is on the opposite side of the street from the house). Heavy, wet snow + dead branch = natural pruning.

Here's the branch in question:

Got Husqvarna?

The Electric Company had to come out with the cherry picker to lower this monstah off the line and put the electric cable back up (they were also kind enough to re-string the cable and phone lines which had also been pulled down to near ground level). Since it ripped the protective sheath off the side of the house, we'll need to get an electrician over to fix it at some point (they had us sign a release form stating we'd get it fixed before they turned the power back on, but that's standard CYA I guess).

I do have to admit, though, that while the snow can be a major PITA, it sure is pretty:

The View from the G. Porch

Of course, I still have to go out and shovel 8-10" of global warming...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...


I just finished clearing my deck & front walk -- and it took the better part of 90 minutes. I have a sizeable deck and lengthy walk, but damn that wet, heavy, sloppy, slushy, rain-filled New England glow-bull worming shit falling from the sky. And at Casa del Brad, the white stuff is still coming down so I'll have to make a repeat performance after work today.

dr mac said...

Gee, all we got on the Cape was rain and 40mph wind. Thank God.

Borepatch said...

Two words: snowblower.

Alternate two words: teenage sons

A snowblower is less expensive.