Friday, January 29, 2010

Duelling Odd Headlines...

Okay, Friday morning fun question: Which headline do you think will lead to the odder story?

Police think remains buried under concrete are lottery winner


Woman struck by flailing fire hose dies

Obviously, where both stories revolve around someone losing their life, there's a fine line between humor and ghoulishness here. But the "lottery winner encased in concrete" has so many possible lines - mostly mob and/or Jimmy Hoffa related - and the "woman killed by firehose", well, the possibilities are nearly endless...

Just a glimpse into the strange things that amuse Jay G. on a Friday morning...

That is all.


LC Scotty said...

The lesson here for all of us, gunny and non-gunny alike, is that complacency kills.

From the article, they were dragging 200 feet of hose behind a truck. You can imagine getting the truck ready to roll hundreds of times per year might make you complacent. When the task at hand is the morning coffee, complacency isn't likely to be fatal. When it's storing/manipulating/carrying firearms, or your morning commute complacency can kill you or someone else.

Anonymous said...

The guy in the concrete wa a black dude who took home $11,000,000 in the lottery and then apparently made some VERY bad decisions regarding new friends.

PISSED said...

I was actually drawn to this headline:

Genealogist: Barack Obama, Scott Brown related

I also feel sorry for both parties in your stories.

Kevin said...

Brings new meaning to the term "Getting hosed"