Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Even More Interesting Local Political News...

Baker’s funding shatters records
In one of the most aggressive political fund-raising pushes in recent memory, Republican gubernatorial hopeful Charles D. Baker has amassed a $1.85 million war chest over roughly five months of campaigning, tapping into a broad range of supporters and establishing himself as a major threat to Governor Deval Patrick’s reelection bid.

Baker doubled, in less than half the time, what Patrick raised for the entirety of 2009, despite a fund-raising visit by President Obama this past fall for the Democratic governor. Baker’s coffers currently hold almost three times the amount in Patrick’s campaign account.

This is the Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts. Republican. Setting records for fundraising. In Massachusetts. And that's not even the best part:
In a potentially ominous sign for Patrick, Baker has raised some of his funds from traditional Democratic donors, including previous Patrick supporters.

Gee, don't that beat all? That's really a double-whammy right there - not only is the money flowing to Baker's campaign, but it's NOT going to Patrick's re-election. Folks, that's pretty telling right there - if Patrick isn't getting support from the folks who put him in office in 2006, there's some serious trouble brewing. Add this to the news from earlier today about Scott Brown (GO SCOTT GO) pulling within single digits of Martha Coakley, November could be pretty interesting in MA...

Imagine the state of Massachusetts with a Governor *AND* a Senator who weren't Democrats?

That is all.


libertyman said...

Perhaps the layabouts from the Republican Party can Fedex large quantities of cash and support to actually , you know, TRY to win the Senate seat? Wouldn't that beat all?

Weer'd Beard said...

I don't really know Baker all that well, but at the moment He has my vote in the Republican primary
#1. Because Christy Mihous is the reason why we have Governor Deval Patrick, and while I might find it in my heart to forgive him for that in the general election, Primaries are the time to hold grudges.
#2. Baker is running with Wakefield's own Richard Tisei

Senator Tisei has been shaking things up on Beacon Hill, and I really like his stance on the issue.

Also personally I really like what it says to have Baker nominate an Openly gay conservative for the ticket, as well as what it would mean to have him in that position.

But in the end I'd be happy with either of the GOPs kicking Cadillac Deval's sorry ass in November.

wolfwalker said...

A Republican senator and governor in Massachusetts.

Isn't that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

Weer'd Beard said...

"Isn't that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?"

Or the Rapture for us of the true path! : ]

Scott Brown is in striking distance, but he has an uphill battle. I think it would take an act of God (or bait-and-Switch) for there to not be a GOP in the Governor's office next year.

Jay G said...


Now, now, what kind of crazy talk is that? They wouldn't be the Stupid Party if they did THAT!


I think Patrick at this point is one of the most beatable Dems going. He's done absolutely nothing right in this state - he's added all kinds of cronies to six figure/do-nothing jobs while the state suffers through tax increases and layoffs.

He's best known for his mis-steps, like the Caddy, or the drapes, or jetting off to NY when the vote for casinos was going down. He's eminently beatable...


It's not often a comment makes me literally LOL... ;)

wolfwalker said...

Some dude over at The Corner is speculating that Cadillac Deval may be the next Demorat to slink offstage without running for re-election.

I swear I am not making this up: verify-word is "eletoad". MUST be something to do with politicians, but which one(s)?

Weer'd Beard said...

"or jetting off to NY when the vote for casinos was going down."

Forgot about that one! That was to accept the advance for his book deal! Talk about money down the toilet for whoever thought that was a good idea!