Monday, January 25, 2010

Evil Happens...

Death of a barkeeper shakes up Methuen

METHUEN - Elinor Shimko saw her friend sitting at the bar on Friday night, listening to karaoke and greeting old friends. “I said ‘Hi Barb, how’re you doing?’ ’’ Shimko recalled. “She said ‘Hi, honey. How are you?’’’

The next time Shimko saw Barbara DesRoche, the 69-year-old grandmother was dead. Her body lay where a co-worker had found her, in a parking lot next to her black Mercury Cougar and steps from the front doors of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, where DesRoche had worked for the past 20 years.

Gun control: Because a 69-year grandmother brutally beaten to death by thugs is morally superior than hoodlums sporting numerous .45" holes.

Evil is out there. And it's not limited to the big cities and urban areas, either. It lurks in small towns, in small cities, in small minds. No matter how much we would like to pretend otherwise; no matter how civilized we think we have become; no matter how many electronic gadgets we string about our lives in a vain attempt to look like we're doing something about crime; evil exists. It lurks in shadows, it walks brazenly down the street.

Sometimes the only way to deal with evil is to confront it head on. 911 is a pipe dream with cops minutes away when you're running for your life. The police, even in the best cities under the best circumstances, are highly unlikely to be close enough by to stop someone from hitting you in the head with a brick (or 2X4). Sometimes you can run - he who fights and runs away, will live to fight another day, etc. - but if you're old, or infirm, or have small people in your care, it's not an option.

And when that happens, you want the best tool for the job possible. Gun control takes that tool away from you. Gun control doesn't take the tire iron out of the hoodlum's hands. It doesn't make the feral thug change his ways and join the priesthood. It doesn't keep violent criminals from breaking the law and acquiring guns themselves. All it does is ensure a compliant victim class who won't present any threat to the predators among us.

Gun control is evil.

That is all.


PISSED said...

Mornin' Jay

You might have seen thsi but I thought it kinda fit with your blog post.

Ted Nugent on the 2nd amendment.

jgodsey said...

how does this relate to gun control?

there was no evidence a gun was used...a 69 year old woman in the dead of night is NOT going to be fast enough on the draw if the assailant is lurking in wait..which he probably was in this case. If Barb had a gun it would most likely now be a stolen gun out there doing evil.

if she had been attacked INside the VFW there would be merit to your argument. but the sad truth is, that no one walked her to her car which was sitting in an empty lot at 1 in the morning. a gun wouldn't have helped..whereas a mere escort would have.

Jay G said...


To begin with, this happened in the Volksrepublik of MA, where victims are far more likely to be disarmed owing to the draconian gun control laws here.

But really, it was more of a springboard for my general opposition to most gun control in general.

As for the escort, that's tough to say - you may simply have had two dead people as opposed to one.

But in MA, the criminals, thugs, and other evil doers have the upper hand as a general rule of thumb because of the gun control laws.

In this case it doesn't sound like a firearm was used, more than likely a blunt object. This is the tyranny of the strong - the larger criminal does what they will because their victim cannot fight back.

An equalizer - a firearm - changes this equation.

And no gun, knife, or tire iron "does evil". That's assigning human attributes to an inanimate object akin to saying that an SUV ran someone over. The evil - or good - performed using a tool resides not in the tool but in the person using it.

GunRights4US said...

JGodsey says:

"there was no evidence a gun was used...a 69 year old woman in the dead of night is NOT going to be fast enough on the draw if the assailant is lurking in wait.."

Are you slow-witted or something? Sure there's a possibility that a gun wouldn't have helped that lady. But without a gun THERE WAS NO POSSIBILITY for her to overcome her attackers!

She could have walked to her car with one hand on her pistol and the other hand with her keys. She wouldn't have had to be Wyatt Earp or something. In fact, like MOST incidents where a potential victim who is armed in involved, just SHOWING THE GUN might have been enough to discourage her attacker!

You want to go thru life like a disarmed sheep waiting to be food for predators...that's your business. But don't ask others to do the same.

Toastrider said...

JayG and GunRights have it precisely correct.

Physics and biology don't lie: a five-foot three grandmother, or even a five-foot seven young woman, are simply overmatched physically by most males. It's not about sexism, it's about brutal fact. If I weigh one and a half to two times what you do (or more), all you can do is retreat...

Unless, of course, you have a force multiplier. This is why martial artists learn to use 'utensils' (in other words, weapons), and why grandmothers learn to carry a .357 snubbie.

Ritchie said...

Danger is real and does not call ahead.

dr mac said...

God, I love it when you get on the pulpit.