Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Gun Pr0n #146

Well, after last week's gun pr0n, I figured I'd have to present something a little more traditional. And what could be more traditional than a Mauser?

8mm Turkish Mauser

This is a Model of 1938 Turkish Mauser in 7.92 X 57mm, more commonly known as 8mm or 8X57. It's a bolt-action, five round internal magazine rifle, and yes, it comes with a bayonet. No lasers or LED lights as of yet. The bolt action is smooth and even, a marked difference from the other major bolt action mil-surp in the G. armory, the Mosin-Nagant M91/30 or the M44. It's amazingly accurate, even my inarticulate mitts, and the 8mm round is still pretty common and inexpensive, albeit corrosive in most cases.

Now all I need is a teletubby upon which to unleash the bayonet...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...


After last week's abomination, that's a worthy pic indeed. Many a firearm expert has said of the Mauser action that there has never been a finer bolt-action design, and the only thing which has made it better has been improvements in metallurgy. In fact, the Mauser action is capable of safely handling chamber pressures in excess of 100,000 PSI - pretty damned impressive for a design that can trace its roots back to 1871. I declare you make today Paul & Wilhelm Mauser Day.

- Brad

Adam Hart said...

That is a manly calibur. How's the kick?

Anonymous said...

Adam, it's about what you would expect. Nothing outrageous if you're a manly man. :)
Jay, Ammo Man currently has the Yugo milsurp (corrosive) for about 25 cents a round delivered by the crate. That's about the best you can find, but you of course need to buy 900rnds. That's a lot of boltie ammo even by my standards. Might make a decent local group buy though. I'd take a few hundred at that price.

Jay G said...


I can agree to that.

Happy Mauser Day!


The kick really isn't too bad, but a lot of that has to do with the gun weighing 142 pounds... :)

I find it to be about that of a Mosin-Nagant 91/30 or Springfield '03. Not quite as bad as 3" Magnum slugs from a 12 gauge; a little harder than 00 buckshot...


I'd be up for going in on some 8mm. I'd like to pick up a K98 down the road and (pipe dream) an FN49 someday...

jimbob86 said...

JayG Armory COULD have 8mm available for about 20 to 25 cents a round, if same would handload ...... initial costs could run as low as 150 bucks.

..... surely there's a reloading company interested in giving a popular gunblogger a test drive........

Bob said...

Nice chest, too. I could bury a lot of treasure in that chest. If I had any treasure, that is.

Jay G said...


Now THERE is an intruiging thought...

For the record, we here at MArooned would be more than happy to test any and all ammunition sent for evaluation. That's a fact, jack!


Thanks. That's actually the trunk that my grandparents brought over from Italy when they immigrated to the US.

One of these days I need to do a Friday Gun Pr0n pic with the Mannlicher-Carcano in front of that trunk (Grampy's joke was "Italian Battle Rifle. Only dropped once"...)

Andrew C said...

VZ-24 in 8mm Mauser should be landing on my door step this afternoon. Then a K-31 on Monday. Damn you C&R license, my wallet hates you.