Monday, January 11, 2010

Give 'Til It Hurts...

Bruce reminds us to do what we can.


Give any amount you can to help Scott Brown (GO SCOTT GO) defeat Martha Coakley for Dead Ted's seat. Replacing that (D) with an (R) will break the Democratic supermajority and lessen the likelihood of eleventh hour deals rammed down our throats with neither discussion nor debate. There's a growing sentiment towards "VOTE THEM OUT", and it can start on Tuesday, January 19th right here in the Volksrepublik of Massachusetts.

Please, for the love of all that's good and holy, please help put a Republican Senator in Chappaquiddick Ted's old seat.

That is all.


PISSED said...

I've already contributed twice and have offered to drive my College aged daughter and her Obama loving friends to vote.. They have promised to vote for Scott Brown. ( Does this make me an ACORN-esque type of driver ;)? )

Jay G said...

Nah, you're just a nut...

[pauses fpr hoots and jeers to die down for bad punning...]

B said...

I just saw a Scott Brown yard sign in MARBLEHEAD!!!


Bruce said...

...eleventh hour deals rammed down our throats with neither discussion nor debate.

There were plenty of "discussions". They just happened to all take place behind closed doors and involved discussing the amount of taxpayer money (rounded up to the nearest $100,000,000) that would be needed to buy the votes of hold-outs in the senates.

Bruce said...

..or senate.

Toaster 802 said...

I have been covering this race at . If you have anything I can add or if there is any way I can help you, Let me know.

Go Scott!

ASM826 said...

Hope. I haz it.

Atom Smasher said...

Called my mom, a resident of your fine state, and explained how important it is for her to get out and vote for Scott Brown on the 19th.

Anonymous said...

Whoop! The moneybomb today that was hoping to raise $500k over $835k! Can we get a million? Plenty I know here in CT have already donated, because whatever way MA goes, CT tends to follow. There is a large group from CT going up to the Worcester office this weekend to help out. Too bad we don't have ACORN or SEIU paying our way.

Steve said...

Can't vote for him, but I flipped him some dough anyway. When I drive to Mass for work there are lots of Brown signs in the towns along the RT 2 /495 area, can't say I've seen a Coakley sign out that way.

Andrew said...

Either the site is getting mobbed or there is some kind of DOS attack. Libtards are idiots, so I am thinking that it is the former, not the latter.

RW said...

I'll $h!t if a Republican wins Kennedy's seat!!!

Holy.....cow. Can't believe this is even a race

Mad Saint Jack said...


Borepatch said...

Andrew, it's not a DoS attack, it's an Instalanche.

NotClauswitz said...

I made a donation to Scott - and I'm in freakin' California...

Jay G said...

Thanks to everyone - both in and out of state - who has donated to Scott's campaign.

Even if (heaven forfend) Scott loses, let's make it close enough that they start getting the message...