Saturday, January 2, 2010

Help Us, Nanny-State Kenobi!'re our only hope to save us from ourselves!

Texting while driving, smoking target of '10 laws

MADISON, Wis. — Texting while driving, smoking in public and cooking with artery-clogging trans fats will be that much harder under a bevy of state laws set to take effect around the country on Friday.

Faced with huge budget shortfalls and little extra money to throw around, state lawmakers exercised their (inexpensive) power to clamp down on impolite, unhealthy and sometimes dangerous behaviors in 2009.

You know, because our lawmakers just have nothing better to do, right? There aren't any other pressing issues that require their attention, like double digit unemployment, crushing state budget short falls, or rampant crime. I mean, I'd like to think that they're honestly doing this because they think it will make the world a better, safer place.

But then again, I'd like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy to be real, too.

No, this is yet again more of the camel inside the tent. This is yet another incursion into our daily lives; more freedom lost in the elusive search for "safety"; more abdicating our personal responsibility to government "oversight". Every day we willingly give these bastards tighter and tighter control over our lives, blithely signing away our birthright of freedom in a headlong rush to avoid the consequences of our actions.

Go ahead. Read exactly what they've outlawded in various states. Tanning beds. Cigarette lighters. Trans fats. Petty, stupid shit they shouldn't even be thinking about, let alone passing laws about. Tanning beds? Are you shitting me? Sure, every year we hear about some imbecile who falls asleep in a tanning bed and gets third degree burns. Is it tragic, in a sniggering sort of way? Sure. Would I rather these people step in front of a bus and remove themselves from the gene pool? Sure. Do we need ANOTHER gorram law about tanning beds? HELL NO.

The more we allow this to happen, the more inevitable we make a terrible, violent, bloody correction down the road.

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Nose under the tent is right... it's ONLY going to get worse!

Sarah said...

I hate when new legislation chips away at more of our rights. Freedom includes the opportunity to make crappy decisions...and to live with the consequences. It isn't the Nanny State's job to protect me from myself - shouldn't be, anyway.

B Smith said...

Ban tanning beds??? Then how the hell is the gov gonna collect the "tan tax" that was passed off from the cosmetic surgery industry?
It would be unfair for any state to ban tanning beds, because then they wouldn't be paying their fair share of the federal tax!!!
My guess is they'll MANDATE tanning beds---you'll have to have at least three to open a nail parlor, hair salon, or c-store in a strip mall...

WV: huray. O-B-Won will save us.