Thursday, January 28, 2010

Neat New Stuff!

I love this gig, I really do. Where else would I get a chance for someone to find me, out of the blue, and send me a link to a very cool custom fabricator of billet aluminum speedloaders?

Reader Christy e-mailed me the above link with a quick description:
The reason for my email is to tell you about my husband’s latest speed loader he has designed. He is a very talented custom CNC machinist and he can make just about anything you ask.

His speed loaders are the BEST you will ever find quality wise. They are made out of Billet Aluminum and are100 % made in the USA!

Go to the site and take a look at some of his work - it's pretty darn impressive. Now, granted, being an H-D fan I'll admit to a fondness for billet aluminum from the get-go, but those speedloaders do look pretty darn sweet. Christy sent some pictures of some really neat range gear - think a milled aluminum tray to hold your reloads - that they will be adding once they finish building their website. They're just getting started, but the quality sure looks good and they'll do custom work. And the prices are quite reasonable given the materials - this is billet aluminum, not plastic like most commercial speedloaders.

And yes, I put in the obligatory plug for a test unit... ;)

That is all.


libertyman said...

Reasonably priced product, and a good looking shop. Good combination!

Weer'd Beard said...

They make one for .500 S&W Magnum. When's EddieCoyle's Birthday? : ]

The Big Guy said...

You just made a sale for them.
I'm getting 2 of the .44 Mag when I get back home in March.
Those look sweet...


Matt said...

Fair warning, the photo gallery is NSFW!!!!!!

Other than that, very cool looking products.

Jay G said...

Hey, the page *I* linked was perfectly fine... :)

(Unless you work for the Brady Bunch, that is...)

Arthur said...

If you do get your hands on one, could you do a speedload video and add it to the rest of them?

Old NFO said...

Ohhh SHINY :-) Gotta call em...

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Yup, sent an email. I want to know if he'd make one for the 617...

Jay G said...


I've already been in touch to let them know that I've put this post up, and they've indicated a willingness to send a demo... :)

It will be reviewed, and a video will be added to the archives... Maybe I can find a Safariland as well for the complete set?

Old NFO (and anyone else who orders),

Please let them know where you saw their site - I'm curious to know what kind of sales I can drum up - good info to have if I start taking blog ads.


That might be the niche they could get into - the revolvers that no one else makes speed loaders for...

Weer'd Beard said...

I generally don't use speed loaders for anything but range use, I prefer to carry speed strips for a wheelie re-charge. That being said if they did grind out a 10-hole 617 loader, I'd be good for at LEAST two of them.

For certain if I hear a positive review of their quality.

Veeshir said...

His page says "for a 50 cal" so I sent an email making sure he meant the 500 and I told him where I saw the link.
If it's for the 500, I and a friend are each getting a few.
Hey, you never know when a large herd of rhino is going to be "coming right for me!"

Rvlvr_Man said...

We have recently updated our site. We are now at More products are being added frequently. Please visit and review our products on our forum.
