Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quick Question...

WTF is "Jersey Shore" and why should I give a hairy rat's ass about it?

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

I'll answer the second part, which negates the first. You shouldn't give a shit about it at all. So who cares what it is?

It's like knowing all those expensive clothing designers. I'll never wear that crap, the wife will never...so why bother know one from the other?

The Big Guy said...

Don't waste one brain cell trying to figure it out.
It's all MTV/Reality crap.
Round file it.


Reputo said...

Isn't that where Jon and Kate lived after they got voted off the island?

Brad_in_IL said...

My DarlingCharmingWife is trying desparately to have me watch one episode, ostensibly so I can be in touch with pop 'culture.' The only place I want culture is with me breakfast yogurt.

- Brad

elmo iscariot said...

The actual Jersey Shore is beautiful in the winter, when it's gray and severe and the boradwalks belong to you and the occasional bicyclist.

In the summer... Well, the pizza and funnel cake are good.

PISSED said...

I can only tell you that Mrs. PISSED watches it and I cant even be in teh same room....

waste of time on the telly.

Anonymous said...

Just another reason not to watch TV.

See Ya

Epijunky said...

I've only seen bits and pieces about it, but I think I'd rather be dragged across a field of broken glass than actually watch an episode.

Christine G. said...

i was home yesterday waiting for fridge repair dude and it was on.

it is one of the myriad of reasons the rest of the world hates us and wants to kill us. one episode alone will show you that we're deserving of that hatred as a nation ...


Ambulance Driver said...

1. Another useless MTV reality show.

2. No.

Atom Smasher said...

All you need to know from insane reality programming you can get from ten second clips on The Soup, which is some wicked awesome funny right there.

Heath J said...

It's a symptom, far as I can tell...

Barry said...

What Atom Smasher said, Joel McHale sums it up painless & funny.

Ross said...

I'm really confused here... the Jersey Shore is an awesome stretch of white sand beaches that, frankly, are so far superior to Cape Cod's beaches that I don't know why anyone even GOES to the Cape. I'm guessing that it's also the title of some sort of TV show, too...

Seriously, the Cape's beaches are so rocky that it's not funny. The Jersey Shore doesn't HAVE rocks on it's beaches unless you're talking about the jetties that are there every several hundred yards to help control erosion. And of course, the water's warmer, too.

It's one of the few things I miss from New Jersey...

word verification: nutrowel. Better than the old one, I guess...