Saturday, January 9, 2010


Barred visitor allowed into Health and Human Services chief's office

Washington (CNN) -- A man flashed bogus credentials and was permitted to reach the outer office of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius over New Year's weekend, agency officials confirmed Friday.

Sebelius was not in the building during the incident January 2, but a spokeswoman issued a written statement saying "this was a troubling incident" and acknowledged that the man was on a list of people barred from entering the building.

Add this to the White House party crashers; the posting of Marine One's layout on an Iranian website; and an unidentified couple being granted access to an invitation-only veteran's dinner and a baffling pattern emerges of a White House with only the most tenuous of grasp on basic security protocols. It doesn't bode well that the people the 0bama administration rely on to keep them safe are obviously incapable of doing so; it is only through sheer luck that this incompetence hasn't resulted in a more serious outcome.

Look, I dislike Barack 0bama's politics as much as the next right wing wacko. I do not believe the man has America's best interests at heart; at least not the interests as set forth by our Founding Fathers. I think he views our liberty as an impediment to his grand plan of increasing government interference in our lives and would like to curtail our freedoms. That doesn't mean I want to see anything untoward happen to the man, though.

No, much like Bill Clinton before him, I'd like to see him live to a ripe old age and watch as history judges his disastrous policies. Like Jimmy Carter, I'd like to see him devolve into a gibbering buffoon incapable of making a public appearance without looking foolish. I want to see his historical legacy reduced to "whose socialist tendencies nearly bankrupted America".

I don't want to see him martyred under any circumstances, even his own administration's gross incompetence.

That is all.


Toaster 802 said...

"I don't want to see him martyred under any circumstances"


I want to see him perp walked on Jan 20th 2013 right into prison and charged with treason. And live to serve multiple life terms at the supermax.

When you plan to deny American their god given rights, you had better know that the people will not stand for it, and the buck will stop with Obama.

Anonymous said...

Not related to this post, but check out cocked and loaded blog.
MA gone nuts?

suopiru said...


Might want to check out this book.

I don't know what Kessler's credentials are, but IMHO there are several points in the book that make sense.

Lack of manpower (yup, USSS doesn't have enough people for their workload), not enough time for training, management problems, private sector recruiting best personnel etc etc......

wolfwalker said...

a baffling pattern emerges of a White House with only the most tenuous of grasp on basic security protocols.

It's not baffling if you keep in mind that Barry Lackwit doesn't understand why he would need security. In his mind, everybody loves him except a few right-wing wackos, and they're too stupid to successfully get at him.

And you're too kind to him. I want to see him watch as every one of his policy initiatives fails -- either fails to pass, or fails to achieve anything like what was intended. I want to see him alienate the Blue Dogs so completely that they turn on him, and alienate the voters so completely that he wakes up Nov 3rd facing a majority-R Congress -- and then be too broken in spirit to even try vetoing anything. I want him to not even run for re-election, and slink offstage in January 2013 as the most-hated, most-thoroughly-held-in-contempt ex-president in US history, so totally reviled that he can't get an engagement as commencement speaker to a dog obedience school.

Then I want him to think every day about the opportunity he had and lost. I want that to be the first thing he thinks about every morning, the last thing he thinks about every night. I want it to haunt his dreams so that he gets no rest and spends all his time on the razor's edge of falling into manic depression. And I want him to live like that for the rest of his very long and healthy natural life.

Yes, I'm a highly creative, highly imaginative, excessively vicious son-of-a-bitch. What was your first clue?

Jay G said...


I knew I liked for a reason...

BobG said...

I don't want to see anything happen to Obama; the thought of Biden becoming president is scary.

Brad_in_IL said...

Biden as president is nothing compared to President Pelosi -- she's only two heartbeats away.

- Brad