Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad Things Come in Threes...

First it was AD wrecking his .318 Dakota.

Now poor Breda is the victim of a hit-and-run.

So who's the third?

Hey! Why's everyone looking at the blogger with his very own "Road Rage" category???

That is all.


breda said...

stay safe, my friend.

Arthur said...

And be happy it's not motorcycle ridin' season.

B said...

I got sideswiped yesterday (Monday)....No big deal, just paint...

Does that count???

Robert McDonald said...

Had an intake gasket go bad, found a bunch of other stuff wrong when I limped I to the mechanic so I'm probably going to have to sell a gun or two to get it fixed. : (

John B said...

As long as no body gets hurt, I've learned that cars are just spendy necessary evils. Insurance companies exist for a reason.

I hope Breda recovers soon.
I'd have mentioned to Ambulance Driver, I shot my first deer with a '68 Pontiac, But I didn't know how attached he were to the Mopar...