Sunday, February 7, 2010

Quote of the Night...

Comes from TheBoy, watching The Who playing the Superbowl halftime show:
They're all OLD!

Heh. I mean, he's right. They're all his grandparents' age or older, and the years have not been kind to Mssrs. Daltry, Townsend, et al. And according to TheBoy, their singing voices are "cranky". Dunno who the NFL was trying to reach with this show - Boomers, perhaps, in a last ditch effort to be relevant as anything other than the Social Security drain they're becoming - but they failed miserably at reaching the newest generation...

He did think the light show was cool...

That is all.


Nancy R. said...

Saying that they were better than The Stones is damning them with faint praise, but they were. I've never been a fan, but Townsend seemed to be having a great time. And at least Daltry wasn't wearing jeans from the junior miss department like I swear Jagger was.

BTW, I was at the library last week and one of the staff was trying to explain to a high school girl who Mick Jagger was. The HS girl said "Oh. I thought that was a made up name in a song to rhyme with 'swagger'."

jetfxr69 said...

I'm thinking they were aiming for those folks who watch the most popular shows on television....the "CSI" series'. After all, they sang pieces of all three series' theme songs.

wolfwalker said...

They're all his grandparents' age or older,

Much older, at least in one case. Much, much older.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the Boomers, you know, the ones you said are "the Social Security drain they're becoming".

I've paid into the "system" for 39 years and have not seen a dime, nor do I expect to see anything from it.

But, I won't be stopping by anymore.

I don't go where I'm not welcome.

Anonymous said...

They were probably trying to, yet again, avoid a gratuitous and (accidental) boob-flashage.

Borepatch said...

The Who ... grandparents?

Ouch. I mean ouch.

But yeah - old and tired, playing young and not-tired music. Sad.

Jay G said...


My apologies, sir or madam. It was thoughtless of me to paint with such a broad brush.

Please be assured that my words were aimed at those who would find selfish gratification in seeing the icons of their youth paraded out on the stage for all to see, clearly out of tune, in one last ditch effort to reclaim their youth.

It's unfair to lump all Boomer-aged folks in the same category as the self-absorbed members of the "Me Generation". I apologize for doing so unfairly.

Mea culpa.

AngryPatriot said...


The network was playing it safe, *wardrobe malfunction* could have taken place here, and if it did, it was prolly shriveled up enough to not be noticeable...

That being said...I was never a fan of The Who (I preferred their more cerebral counterparts of that era, such as Yes, Genesis, Tull...) but I gotta give Townsend his props...for a gut pushing his mid 60's, he's got the chops. I've been playing guitar since I was 8, and I can tell you, the guy nailed it.

Is he a shredder? Nope, not at all. Is he as technically perfect *and* as fast as Prince? Nope, nowhere near. (And yes, you can vomit in your mouth at the mention of Mr. Purple Rain, but the guy is an absolute genius on a guitar...rivalling Hendrix in many respects.) Can he hang with Clapton? Nah, Townsend can't do that either.

But he is in a league of his own, and showed tonight that he can both play, *and* enjoy being a rocker.

But your son was right...they *do* sing like cranky old men...time was not kind on Daltry's vocal chords....


Heath J said...

Why apologize to an overly sensitive boomer?

If they find that offensive, fuck em'. He knows exactly who that comment was aimed at and chose to bitch anyway.

That show WAS terrible, though. Made Tom Petty look that much better..

bluesun said...

Yeah, but what if they were your grandparents? That would be... awesome.

Cargosquid said...

Why haven't the current crop of rockers been able to catch up to the Who and the Stones? Even the Eagles out rock many current bands. And there are no super groups like Zeppelin or the Stones....I think for two retired rockers in their 60's, they did a great job.

Who would have thought that I would be disappointed in my kid's music instead of condemning it?

tjbbpgobIII said...

I think the remaining two members of the original group need to stay in retirement, neither the bassist nor the drummer were up to snuff with the old group. I would rather have seen Clapton play, at least he is still revelant and can still play the shit out of that Fender. I also wish you and Dankin would lay off the older set like me who are drawing SS. If they cut us off it would you be happy? If so then I suppose obammycare sounds good to you.

AngryPatriot said...

TJB and Anon...

Sorry, but I'm going to back Jay up here on his comment. Social Security is nothing but a lie perpetrated on a trusting American society, right from the beginning.

In my opinion, Jay hit it on the head. FDR, way back when he started the now failed experiment of Social Security, set in motion the wheels of dependency.

Got that? He made you dependent on the gov't for money. By extension, he made you dependent on the gov't for subsistence, because without the SS money, you feel you can't subsist.

Sound familiar? Its what Lenin did in Russia. What Tito did in Yugoslavia. Its what that ugly putz in Venezuela is doing to those people.

FDR lied to Americans. He *promised* that the funds collected would go into a trust fund to be properly managed by the gov't. (Wow...what an oxymoron...) But SS funds were never placed into a trust...the law that created it placed that money in the General Fund.

It was a lie.

Now, I've been having my money stolen (I refuse to call it *paying in*) for over 34 years running...and I got news for you, I'm making certain *now* that I'll be able to survive without goobermint healthcare, goobermint money, and goobermint promises. My wife and I are living damned frugally, so that we can be FREE when we retire.

Freedom....its a wonderful goal...


tjbbpgobIII said...

What the F__ __ K would you have us do, turn it down? Well I won't and neither would you if you had it coming. What are you gonna do when obammy decides to take your IRA or other money you have coming, and devide it up amongest the rest of us. You have helped put these MF's in office along with all the rest of the country, on both sides of the aisle. Well at least "FIGHTING JOHN MURTHA" won't screw up any more people.

Dan F said...

Yeah.. half time show, how bout that.

Didn't seem too bad- I'd hear them over some previous acts. Though if the category was "older guys rockin out", I would go with Steve Miller. Still sounds album-clean..

Then again, I'm one of those college kids who didn't know the Who back then.

soulful sepulcher said...

Hell, I'm the odd man out, it's just that Grace Slick in me I guess. lol

soulful sepulcher said...


"all rock-and-rollers over the age of 50 look stupid and should retire."

Grace Slick, quote lol

Jay G said...

Heck, didn't it used to be "don't trust anyone over 30"?

That went right the hell out the window, didn't it?
