Sunday, February 7, 2010

Someone Remind Me... there some sort of sporting event going on today? I keep hearing about some sort of soup tureen on TV tonight, but it's registering so low on my giveashit-o-meter that I'm having trouble coming up with anything.

I'm thinking tonight would be an especially good night to go to the range...

That is all.


libertyman said...

Usually a good day to go skiing, too. I will pass on spectator sports, thanks.

The Coffee Bastard said...

I wish I was nearer than Virginia, I would join you at the range. The thought of spending 4 hours watching steroid induced monsters throwing a pig bladder around fills me with an urge to defecate.

Heath J said...

Buncha' Bolshevics. :-P

Why do you guys hate America?

Colin said...

Hmmmm....what time?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the team that destroyed the Patriots will be winning the SuperBowl.

Don't Patriots fans remember winning the SuperBowl? O.K., maybe not, but it's a lot of fun!

Yours in the name of Peyton Manning,

*standing out of respect for the name*

Go Colts!

Shootin' Buddy

SpeakerTweaker said...

Big football fan, eh?

Tell 'em, Heath;)


Old NFO said...

I'll be in bed asleep... since I'm 5 hours ahead of y'all. :-)

Don said...

I don't know. I've got EMT class all day, but I hear it may be on afterward.

But I checked, and the Bears aren't playing in it, so . . . . meh.

bluesun said...

But... the FOOD! I don't even know who's playing, but we are going to have some deep fried everything. It's like Thanksgiving in February, except food that is even worse for you.

Julie said...

good idea ... range sounds way more run than sitting on your butt watching something on somewhere :)

Anonymous said...

Me, I'll be filling out an on-line SF-86(government security clearnce form). Much more interesting way to spend my time, heh.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous,

Gotta love e-Qip. Just got done with mine, for the umpteenth time. Beats the hell of the EPSQ piece of crud Windows-only program.
Good luck on your clearance. Just don't mention the debt that you owe to the Cuban gambling mafia.

Jay G said...

Football? No, I don't recall any soccer matches today...

Borepatch said...

I'll bet you could clean up selling targets with Peyton Manning's picture on them.

Stephen said...

Yes there is a game. And DVR. The combination of which allows me to go play with an ex-commie lesbian.

Ambulance Driver said...


You're just still mad because the Saints' beat your Patriots like they stole something...

Heath J said...

I want to change my vote... Screw the Superbowl, Nawlins won.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Damn Anon - I thought I had "fixed" that leak, heh, heh, heh...

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'd probably watch the Superbowl more often if they incorporated more shields and axes.