Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Record? Broken...

It's Official - This Is The Wettest March Ever
This is the wettest March we've ever seen. According to WBZ meteorologists, this latest storm system pushed the total rainfall for March into the record books.

The Boston area has picked up 11.89 inches so far this month, as of 11 p.m. Monday. The old record was 11 inches, set back in 1953.
I'll believe that. My 15 mile commute to work has nearly doubled as roads are closed due to flooding - there are two rivers on the commute, both of which are overflowing or close enough to it that they've started re-routing traffic already. The little pond down the street from me, where I used to play hockey in the winter, has overflowed its banks and is spilling out into the street - for the first time I can remember. My sump pump has been doing yeoman's work keeping the water out of the basement (fingers crossed), and a drive around town reveals hose after hose (or, as in my case, PVC pipe) frantically draining water out of other basements.

MA has been declared a disaster area by Øbama, meaning that federal funds will be available to help clean up the aftermath and help folks rebuild. It's going to take a lot of time just for things to dry out - today's storm is the third successive wave of heavy rains and flooding in two weeks' time. There's mention that we've gotten more rain in the past two days that we typically get in the whole month of March. All I know is that I'll breathe easy when it's over; on the plus side, my front lawn looks like a golf course from all the water...

And on Saturday, when it's 75ºF and bright sunshine, I'll be picking my Harley up from winter storage...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Glad to hear you're still dry. The Basement was dry this morning and the sump barely cranking. I won't be hanging around super-late tonight just in case the water comes back, but I think we're OK.

Jay G said...

Good to hear, weer'd. I know you've had a pretty bad run with the H20 this spring. Glad to hear the reinforcements are doing their thang...

We've been pretty fortunate - last week, in the middle of the drying-out spell, we lost power for the afternoon due to ANOTHER tree branch.

I came home fully expecting to find a foot of water in the basement, but was pleasantly surprised to find it dry...

Anonymous said...

Heck, that is getting up to Ketchikan standards. The NWS data page indicates that we have had 11.18 inches of rain so far, but that does not include the last nine days of data. And we have gotten several s-pot fulls in the last nine days.
41.69 inches so far this year, not counting snow. And we have not received any measurable amounts of snow since last year, while I recollect that you folks Outside got hammered with it.
We are well on the way to our annual average of 162 inches.
Ketchikan, Alaska

Weer'd Beard said...

Just kidding! Basement's filling back up!

We were so damn close! at least at this stage there's nothing else down there to get wet. We just need to wait for the water to stop comming back in, then dry everything back out, and start cleaning again.

Grumble Grumble.

Was just talking to my dad and he asked where that sound of ice cubes against a glass were coming from. I told him it was my flood medicine.

bluesun said...

Wait, no one said anything about MA being declared a disaster area? It's official!