Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Being a Democrat Means...

...only having to say you're sorry when you get caught...

State Democratic Party chair says e-mails sent mistakenly
As it turns out, state Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill and the Democrats do have something in common.

Four weeks after the independent gubernatorial candidate took heat for sending illicit fund-raising solicitations to official State House e-mail addresses, the state Democratic Party is defending as a mistake similar e-mails disseminated by party chairman John Walsh.

Imagine that. The Democrats did exactly the same thing the independent candidate for governor did over a month ago. Cahill was crucified for the gaffe, it was big news, and yet here, merely a month later, it happens again with little fanfare. The Globe is excoriating Republican Charlie Baker for using "revenue increases" to "balance the books" as a town selectman (HA!) and using insurance premium increases to do the same as Harvard Pilgrim Health Care CEO. Uh? Hello? Is there a single budgetary agency out that there doesn't do this??? Isn't the Globe proclaiming Ă˜bama's stimulus package a roaring success for "saving" jobs?

And if anyone out there thinks this was really a mistake, oversight, or database error, please let me know immediately - I've got one helluva deal on a tunnel for ya...

That is all.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

ARRGGHHHH! This crap just pisses me off... if it's good for the Goose, it damn well should be good for the Gander...