Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does This Surprise Anyone?

Senators urge Facebook to change privacy settings

Washington (CNN) -- Four Democratic senators called on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday to reconsider the recent changes in its privacy settings and asked the Federal Trade Commission to streamline guidelines regarding privacy on all social networks.

"Now, users have less control over private information, and it was done without the users' permission," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York, said on Capitol Hill.

Yep, good ol' Chuck the Schmuck Schumer, making erroneous claims in an appeal to emotion. Where oh where have we seen that modus operandi before?

The article goes all of four (short) paragraphs before putting the lie to Schumer's claim of less control:

The senators specifically took issue with the changes because the new settings require users to "opt out" if they do not want to share any information.
So users have the same amount of control, just in a different manner. A nanny state Democrat lied to further his own agenda? Quelle surprise!

And, in what should come as a shock to exactly no one, Franken proves he is just as big a boob as the rest of them:

Franken emphasized the difficulty for users to opt out under the current settings, saying he would "read what you have to do to opt out, but we really only have so much time."

Because saying "Yeah, we didn't read the 2,000 page Health Care Reform bill. What makes you think we can be bothered with a three paragraph EULA" would have really been rubbing it in, eh Stuart?

Seriously? This confederation of dunces is the best we can do?

That is all.


notDilbert said...

So, somewhere in thoose 2,500 pages of the Health Care bill there must be some "opt-In" language......'cause "that's the right way to go".

.....I must have missed it.

Veeshir said...

I'm with them, what with the exorbitant prices Facebook charges for users, they should make it much easier for them to not have to give Facebook any information whatsoever.
What, do they think it's their domain?