Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Good Day...

Let's recap the day so far.
  • Brought TheBoy to his dojo for the first part of his black belt test.
  • Retrieved the Harley from winter storage.
  • Rewarded TheBoy with lunch at McDonald's for passing the first part of his black belt test.
Up next is the following:
  • Second part of TheBoy's black belt test, his forms.
  • Dinner for the black belt recipients and their families - with the black belts preparing, serving, and cleaning up dinner!
  • Ice cream for TheBoy to celebrate this achievement.
I'm sorry, I've got to do the braggin' dad bit for a little. It's nothing short of miraculous, the miracle that we have in our children. As I searched the archives for a photo of my son when he started karate, I came across the photographs I took of my daughter the day she was born. We create life, but that's not the magical part. Helping to shape personalities, that's the magic. And it's been an amazing journey so far as both of my kids discover their personalities (and brother, do they each have a truckload of it!).

But back to TheBoy. Today really is all about him. Here he is when he started at his dojo:

Only a Yellow Belt!

That picture was taken in June of 2007. TheBoy has been studying karate for over three years (he started at a different dojo about a year before that picture was taken, got his yellow belt, then we decided to switch dojos). Along the way there have been times he's wanted to drop out, but he persevered and stuck with it.

I could not be more proud of my son than I am today.

That is all.


David Neylon said...

Jay, I don't understand this 'winter storage' thing you keep talking about.

David, Chandler, AZ

Jay G said...

It's the opposite of your "burst into flames" season in July & August...

TOTWTYTR said...

"I could not be more proud of my son than I am today."

As you should be.

Old NFO said...

Good for him and good for you and Mrs. G for leading them and yet allowing them to grow!

Christina RN LMT said...

Congratulations to TheBoy! What an achievement! And well done to you and Mrs.G.

Cargosquid said...

Good for him! Congratulations! What style?

bogie said...

We also got the bike out of storage yesterday and went for a ride.

Hey, don't apologize for bragging on the boy - you've got a right!

David said...

Just awesome! Congrats to him!