Monday, April 5, 2010

In Other "Not Shocking" News...

Birthday bash for 'dying' Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi sickens crash victims' kin
The Lockerbie bomber celebrated his 58th birthday on Thursday at a Libyan mansion, defying the imminent death Scottish officials predicted when they compassionately freed him from prison nearly eight months ago.

The thought of Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi partying with family and friends - reportedly thanking God for his survival - left his victims' loved ones sick to their stomachs.

I first mentioned this story in August of last year. At the time, it was unsure if he would actually be released - Scottish officials were waffling in the face of a stunned and disbelieving public - but he was freed merely a week after claims that he would not be freed were made. The rationale behind the Scots letting him go free was that he was dying of cancer and wouldn't live until the end of the year. Now he's celebrating his birthday in high style, thanks to the mushy-headed "compassion" of the very authorities entrusted to keep us safe from men just like Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi.

It's hard not to embrace vigilanteism in the wake of such a story. When a national government cannot will not keep a convicted terrorist in prison, releasing A FUCKING TERRORIST on "humanitarian" grounds, it's hard NOT to think of street justice as a last resort. This isn't someone who killed someone in a car accident through a moment's inattention; this is a cold-blooded mass murdered who planned the gruesome death of hundreds in the name of a twisted ideology. Were the ideologies reversed, and it had been a Scotsman on trial in Tripoli, he'd have been beheaded likely only minutes after the "Guilty" verdict were read.

And right now, watching the jubilant birthday celebration for A FUCKING TERRORIST, I find it hard to disagree with that sentence.

That is all.


Veeshir said...

Well, in their defense, it wasn't for mushy-headed humanitarianism.
That's just how they sold it.

It was for sweet, sweet, oil deals with the terrorist dictator, QGhadifey.

blogger said...

Nobody's said what the quid pro quo was. The Scotts.Gov didn't do this for the stated reasons - someone was paid off, explicitly or implicitly.