Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let Us Know How That Turns Out For Ya...

Worcester T&G To Charge For Online Content
The Worcester Telegram and Gazette has announced they will be charging for online news content on its Web site, telegram.com, starting this summer.

According to the paper, non-subscribers will see a payment prompt after they have read a certain number of stories produced by the Telegram's staff.
Oh, I'm sure folks will be lining up around the block to pay for content from the friggin' Telegram & Gazette... They're following the lead of the NYT, who have yet to implement their program but have come under some recent scrutiny for plummeting readership and their (mis)handling of the Boston Globe, a newspaper known for being a much-larger MA-based daily than the T&G...

But hey, if you think you can get people to pay for the T&G, power to you and the Red Sox...

That is all.


notDilbert said...

It won't take long before the readers of W T&G to discover that all they'll need to do is delete the "Cookie" that tracks how many stories they have read.

.......OK... maybe it will take time for the average reader to figure it out.

The WSJ has a good model for this. Some content is free and for some stories only the first graph is free. But print subscribers can see all as part of thier subscription or you can subscribe to the on line version only. Anybody can comment in the comment section, but comments from subscribers are identified.

.....but then the WSJ is different .....and actually is still profitable ( for rhe moment anyway).

Steve said...

I think the T&G is owned by the nyt as is the globe. They have an uphill battle, the Herald used to charge but gave up after several years. The Nashua Telegraph has plans to charge as well. I won't drop 4 bits or whatever it costs now for most of these rags, I'm definitely not paying them for online content

Alan said...

Yeah, that will work. Charge me for access to something I don't want anyway.

Good plan, I see no way to lose.

Home on the Range said...

I got rid of my subscription to the Indianapolis Star because I decided against buying that parrot for Pirate Action Shooting,