Sunday, April 4, 2010

Likin' It...

First post from the iTouch...

Yeah, this is kinda neat...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

So you 'fell' for their adds huh? :-)

Sabot said...

This is the first post I've read wherein you have posted from the ITouch.

Angry patriot said...

Thats it...there goes Jay...

First he's all smitten by the iTouchPodPad thing....

Next he's gonna take it into a Barnes and Noble or Borders and spend hours there sniffing books with faux-leather covers...

Then he'll start hanging at Starbucks and drinking double-foam milk-spritzer cocoa-mocha-espresso lattes...

Then he'll start wearing tie-dyes and sandals, hugging trees, sitting in forests crying for old-growth forests who were murdered at the hands of evil humans...

Quick! We gotta save him. Someone go and take that thing away from him before it turns him into a Liberal!

Then sell it on FleaBay and buy him another boomstick!

Jay G said...

Heh. Actually, I got this on the advice of several blogging friends and others...

This was the first post I've composed with the iTouch.

It's kind of a pain in the ass, so I don't see it becoming a regular thing...

B said...

Resistance is Futile. You will join the collective......

actually I like my I touch as well.

Anonymous said...

I love mine. Bought it secondhand to use for the educational apps and mobile Internet... I'm pre-med, and there are LOTS of apps tailored to science students that really are quite useful.

Then I found Words With Friends, the iPhone/Touch Scrabble clone.

If this is starting to sound like a VH1 "Behind The Music", it probably should.

It's quite possibly the most addicting this I've ever done. If you like word games, check it out. Be ye warned, though, it's a gateway app. Before you know it, you'll be moving on to harder stuff and dreaming about triple-word-scores.

By the way, if you *do* decide to play, post it here and I'll send you my name so we can play against each other. It's quite fun.

Mopar said...

Replying from my cell that does everything ur toy does and more. :)