Monday, April 5, 2010

Play Stupid Games... stupid prizes.

Armed teen shot to death

A teenager was shot to death in Dorchester last night after exchanging gunfire with police who were investigating gang activity.

Members of the Youth Violence Strike Force were near 11 Navillus Terrace investigating a recent spate of gun violence in the area, said Boston Police Superintendent Daniel Linskey. Several people have been shot and injured or killed on Dorchester streets in the past week.

Officers approached a man at about 9:30 p.m., and he drew a firearm and began shooting at officers, Linskey said. “The officers returned fire,” Linskey said at a press briefing last night.

You know what the ironic thing is? This will go on the Brady list as a "child killed by gunfire". There is no distinction made between an 18 year old gangbanger trying (and failing - haw haw!) to kill police officers and some elementary schooler finding daddy's gun in the sock drawer with tragic results with these people. As long as they can add another checkmark in the "child" (remember, they count up to age 24 as a "child") killed by gunfire, the remainder of the story is inconsequential.

How weak does the case for gun control need to be to make these kinds of stretches? If frighteningly large numbers of children were being killed by firearms, wouldn't the simple facts speak for themselves? It begs the question of why it is needed to stretch the definition of "child" up to age 24 - that's 6 years beyond adulthood and 11 years beyond teenager. If large numbers of actual children were dying in accidental shootings, there would be no need for distortions, half-truths, and obfuscations.

Then again, if the Brady's didn't have distortions, half-truths, and obfuscations, they'd have no argument whatsoever.

That is all.


Reputo said...

Jay you realize with Obamacare, children up to the age of 26 can stay on their parents insurance. Using that age, how could anyone argue that our children are not dying everyday from gun violence (according to WISQARS the rate rises from 7.36 to 8.16 by going from age 24 to 26)?

bluesun said...

Using that definition, I am still a child. Not to mention the 13 year old I went shooting with yesterday afternoon, who is going to be taking his hunter safety class this week. And don't worry, Brady Bunch! No one even got winged!

Newbius said...


Everybody is somebody's child. Lies, damn lies, and Statists - er, statistics...

Jay G said...


Yeah, I saw that. We're going to rapidly reach a point where anyone under 30 is a "child". Now, while our culture may indeed resemble that, the fact of the matter is that 18 is the established age for adulthood.

26 is ridiculous. If a grown adult person hasn't completed college by the age of 26, it's time they grew the hell up anyways. Most folks are 21-22 when they graduate; that's giving an additional *four years* for free.


Great, now I feel even older... :)

Good on you for bringing the next generation to the range, too!


Geez, do NOT give them any ideas...

Stan said...

They'd still have dick jokes though.