Monday, April 26, 2010

Raising Awareness...

Apparently, and I suppose I should consider myself fortunate for not knowing this, yesterday was "Alice Day", a day used by pedophiles to ply their wicked craft. My good friend Strings, who does yeoman's work through BACA, pointed me to this post from Jade at The Ultimate Evil about this despicable holiday. There's some good information there about spotting a pedophile and reacting appropriately. Go take a read, it's well worth your time.

We can't protect everyone at every time - not by ourselves - so the more awareness we can raise of this monstrous evil the better.

That is all.


Nancy R. said...

I think I need a little recoil therapy after that ...

Jay G said...

I was thinking bayonet practice myself...

Nate Gray said...

My blood is boiling. Thank God there are people out there raising awareness about these sick f**ks. I am reduced to my barbarian self when I hear about how brazen those abhorrent scumbags are. I'm going to give the warhammer a workout in the backyard today to bring my blood pressure down, that and some recoil therapy.
Watch your kids folks, evil is out there and sure as hell watching your kids.

Dorsai said...

This has urban legend written all over it. It sounds an awful lot like the "Satanic Panic" nonsense that was being pushed back in the eighties and nineties.

Heath J said...

Woodchipper. Pedo. diesel fuel.

Some assembly required.

Old NFO said...

Good link to a very bad group of people... They should be castrated with dull butter knives!!! meh...

Nancy R. said...


There's nothing on the Snopes or Urban Legend sites. Sounds to me like you're trying to do a little grooming.

Farm.Dad said...

I did not go to the link , but My experience with the subject suggests that everyone reading this knows a pedophile . Some are overt enough to be caught , some not , bit we all know one or more .

Anonymous said...

Hang em with a log chain around their testicles.
Pour sand in their assholes until the chain breaks.
Then get really nasty.
Evil walks amongst us. Up to us to stomp it.
I really need to shoot or hit something, maybe I best go split a cord or two of word, with the 8 lb splitting maul.

Strings said...

First off: thanks for posting, bro. Knew I could count on you!

Second: always remember that our best weapon against pedophiles is the harsh light of reality, shined directly upon them.

I'll be honest: a LOT of the "grooming techniques" are things that many people do innocently. It's worth learning about, if you have kids. Forewarned is fore armed.

Borepatch said...

There's some good information there about spotting a pedophile and reacting appropriately.

Hmmm, "reacting appropriately" ... let's see:

- Tar? Check.

- Feathers? Check.

- Rope? Check.

- Lamp post? Check.

Think we're all set, Jay.

Jay G said...

I'll refer to my previous comment re: bayonet practice...

Geodkyt said...


Bayonets require one to get far to close to the individual in question.

As amusing as it might be to handle things up close, I favor pest removal at range.

Save teh bayonets for enemies, not vermin.

B Smith said...

While I know there certainly are some sick f*cks out there (and I am by NO MEANS trying to afford cover or enable them), it's a damn shame that I have had to leave certain areas for fear of scaring the parents and/or having violence actually directed at me.
I am a large-ish man, usually (lamentably) get the picture, and it ain't pretty. And while I certainly don't go snapping pictures at the local playground, I've gotten plenty of parental hairy-eyeball, even at places like the local bar-n-grill at lunchtime, for f*ck's sake. My choice is to leave, or risk confrontation and/or violence.
Remember that the guy watching your kid just might be a sheepdog rather than a wolf. Be vigilant, but sensible. Please try to make sure, before you ruin someone's life by shouting accusations (or end it by sending lead), that s/he really is a predator.