Thursday, April 29, 2010

Teh Stoopid, It Burnz!!!

It’s a sad day for Happy Meals in Santa Clara County
Happy Meal toys and other promotions that come with high-calorie children's meals will soon be banned in parts of Santa Clara County unless the restaurants meet nutritional guidelines approved Tuesday by the county Board of Supervisors.

"This ordinance prevents restaurants from preying on children's' love of toys" to sell high-calorie, unhealthful food, said Supervisor Ken Yeager, who sponsored the measure. "This ordinance breaks the link between unhealthy food and prizes."

[Takes deep breath]


[Takes another deep breath]

I don't know. Perhaps people really are so monumentally stupid in CA that they need the government to step in to tell them not to feed their kids McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maybe government intervention is needed so that people can learn to say "no" to their kids. Or maybe, just maybe, the nanny-state do-gooder assholes need to shut their damn Nazi pieholes.

Look, kids don't eat at McDonald's because of the damned toy. They eat fast food because it tastes good and their friends all like it. They might choose to eat at McDonald's over Burger King because McDonald's has a better toy, but they're not going to pass on their daily allotment of grease and fat just because they're not getting a toy. This is an ill-conceived measure - if we're going to consider its actual effect on reducing the consumption of fast food by kids.

It's a perfect measure if we're considering it another intrusion on capitalism and our liberties, though...

That is all.


Lissa said...

What's wrong with you, Jay? Aren't you pleased that California has obviously solved all its crimes and budget shortfalls and other difficulties and can now concentrate on Happy Meals? Let's all move there!

RW said...

Toys in happy meals cause obesity, but sex taught in schools doesn't lead to promiscuity, rap lyrics don't lead to the debasement of women & giving welfare/spending to illegals doesn't encourage more to flow over the border.

Thanks for all the info, Californians. You guys are doing a swell job running that state.

Anonymous said...

Yes, removing toys from junkfood is definitley the cure for lazy parenting.

Bob S. said...

Jay G.

Here is a quote from a discussion I'm having over at Southern Female Lawyer

There are people who need help understanding how to (and even that they can) help themselves.

Get that -- there are people out there that need help to know that they can help themselves.

When your philosophy sees everyone as a victim and mentally undeveloped, you get laws like this.
Read some of the other comments from Celeste and JJ -- or don't if you don't want your blood pressure rising.

Jay G said...

Heh, Lissa.


Isn't the paradox amazing?

I mean, they told us that Joe Camel got kids to smoke and Ronald McDonald got kids to eat fast food = yet refuse to even entertain the notion that the supersaturation of violence in TV/movies/video games *might* play a role in desensitization.

They push sex-ed, because "they're going to do it anyways, they might as well be safe about it", yet throw an absolute shit-fit when someone wants to bring in Eddie Eagle to teach about gun safety, accusing the NRA of "brainwashing" kids...

Why, it's almost like that cognitive dissonance I keep hearing about...


BINGO. McDonalds could give out a free unicorn with each Happy Meal, but it's the responsibility of the PARENT to decide whether the kid eats there or not.

You might have an easier time repealing the laws of physics than of supply and demand - and kids are going to demand their fast foods. The secret is to NOT make it a daily or even weekly meal, but a treat once a month or less. Then it doesn't matter WHAT the toy is...

Bob S.,

Southern Female Lawyer? Isn't she the one with the husband that posts threatening messages to gunbloggers?

Bob S. said...


Yes she is. In this case, it is a quite civil discussion for the most part.

As the message thread grows (up to 78), the hoplophobia is starting to become evident...but the mindset of the big government advocates is truly frightening.

Regardless of the situation, it doesn't look like there isn't anything in their world that more government can't solve

RW said...

Bob S.,
I read the comments. Wow, you deserve combat pay. They're not doing much to disengage the notion that a lot of liberal women are illogical & base their opinions on their emotions, are they?

Wraith said...

"Perhaps people really are so monumentally stupid in CA that they need the government to step in to tell them [fill in the blank here]."

Yes. Yes, they are. They've gotten exactly what they voted for. This is what the majority of Californians support, time and again.

Anyone who has a particle of appreciation for freedom and liberty, needs to flee CA at the earliest opportunity. WA and OR can be saved. AZ has shaken off the fleas of Napolitano(as you've no doubt noticed lately). NV will shitcan Reid in short order. Most states aren't beyond hope.

California is flat doomed. Leave them to the consequences of their own socialist policies and come to Red America. The hunting and fishing are great, the beer is cold, and people smile in appreciation at your OC weapon rather than calling in a SWAT team.

bluesun said...

The San Andreas Fault is moving waaaaay to slow for me. I want California off the coast of Alaska NOW, dagnabit.

Dave said...

I have lived in California for over 50 years, I'll be damned if I let the liberal sons of bitches run me out. Santa Clara County is not California, just a small part of the current liberal elite.
Why the hell would I want to tuck tail and flee to Harry Reid's State? Nor do I like the friggin' rain in Oregon. California is a diverse state, rather nice once you get out of the coastal cities.

Irishdoh said...

Sadly, I live in the area represented by the man who sponsored this pathetic waste of paper. I contacted him to express my displeasure at his actions and to inform him that I will be voting against him in the upcoming election. Unfortunately, he appears to be running unopposed. I really need to move to Oregon...