They were kind enough to let us gunbloggers (look in the back for your humble host...) play with some of the weapons. It was seriously cool...

Winchester 1892
Sharps Shiloh
Beretta 92
Smith & Wesson Model 29
Mad props to Danielle and Lars for setting this very cool event up. Getting the chance to put my booger hook on the same trigger as Dirty freakin' Harry was one of the highlights of the convention for me. The model 29 was my obvious favorite, with the 1892 Winchester a close second. They also had the suppressed Remington 1100 from "No Country for Old Men" and a movie-modified Smith & Wesson model 500 from "The Spirit".
I still haven't stopped squeeing about holding "the most powerful handgun in the world"...
That is all.
Didn't the Beretta belong to Riggs and not Murtaugh? Murtaugh (Danny Glover) was the old-fashioned revolver shooter.
Oops! Good point. Fixed!
You da man! That would be seriously cool and I am seriously jealous. Kudos to you for the opportunity, blog on.
That is seriously cool!
Heh, you managed to get Breda on her knees!
No wonder she kept punching you.
This was a once in a lifetime thing we got to do. I certainly do feel lucky, punk!
Breda was on her knees? I thought she was just really short...
You got to hold The Duke's Winchester?!?!?
Please be advised I now officially hate you.
What, no hot dog??
I'm all kinds of jealous.
omg. I hope they'll be there next year.
They didn't have Danny Vermin's .88 Magnum? I'd have stayed in bed.
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