Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm HERE...

At NRA convention. Have met SayUncle, Breda, Alan, Newbieshooter, and several commenters and manufacturers. Holy crap, this is cool. I'm trying not to geek out too badly, but it's awfully hard not to... There's a ton of stuff that I can't own, so I'm enduring many bouts of rage in between the squeeing over the neat toys.

And there were no metal detectors at the door...

While this is by far not all, it's all I got for now. Far too much going on...


ASM826 said...


That's interesting about the doors. Post some pictures of the toys when you can.

Anonymous said...

Next year.

Mad Saint Jack said...

Breda sent a pic to my droid. It is like fanboy Nirvana.

Jay G said...

You ain't seen nothing yet... :)

Keads said...

Gad you are and Welcome to the Tarheel state! Maybe I will bump in to you tomorrow!