What was most telling, IMHO, was this:

That's It?
I don't know about anyone else, but I count ten people in that "protest". I'd wager I could get ten people together to protest dihydrogen monoxide. Heck, I know more than ten people who refused to attend the convention over NC's concealed carry laws and the NRA's response to same. Getting all of ten people to protest at the NRA convention smacks of EPIC FAIL.
Especially when the "lie-in" lasted all of ten minutes as they realized that concrete gets hot in the North Carolina sun...
That is all.
As long as the MSM can get a good sound bite and a video tight shot of some protesters and signs ( and it all fits the template for the news that want to promote) then the protest was a sucess. How people took part or how long it lasted is "not important"
..... unless, of course, it was a protest they only reluctantly covered.
Yeah, as long as the words "Tea" and/or "Party" aren't involved, and in that case they'll describe 20 - 30 thousand people as "hundreds"...
I think "lie-in" was an appropriate choice of words.
It just screams grassroots support doesn't it?
They don't have conventions, don't have range trips, family get-togethers, or a bunch of bloggers getting together for laughs, jokes, and general shenanigans.
What they do have is negativity, and that just doesn't drum up lasting grassroots support.
I HAVE gotten almost two dozen people to sign a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide in under 20 minutes. On a bet.
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