Monday, June 7, 2010

Also Overheard at the G. Dinner Table...

And also something to be expected when there's a nine year old male who takes karate at a dojo run by a practical joker of a Tashi...

We noticed that one of our resident groundhogs had taken up residence under the swingset out in the back yard. TheBoy joked that the groundhog might be stealing random toys and such that the kids leave out on the lawn when playing, when the conversation took a surreal turn. At the dojo, Tashi is fond of re-issuing Chuck Norris jokes, only with "Tashi" in place of "Chuck Norris" for the punch line. This has lead to Chuck Norris gaining significant popularity in the 9 year old G. male population.

Well, TheBoy wondered if the groundhog would be brave enough to steal stuff from Chuck Norris. This prompted Mrs. G. to opine, "No one takes things from Chuck Norris!" (Mrs. G. takes thai kickboxing at the same dojo and is therefore privy to the humor of Tashi).

In a rare display of fast thinking, I quipped back, "Sure they do. They take beatings, roundhouse kicks, boots to the face..."

She LOL'd...

That is all.

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