Saturday, June 5, 2010

Because I Forgot to Yesterday...

Here's a five second blogroll change for everyone:

Salamander, formerly of Salamander's Tales, is now blogging under "Armed and Amphibious". He's currently got some "inside baseball" news of a gunnie-friendly multitool from, surprisingly enough, allegedly anti-gun Leatherman (the powers-that-be supported rabid anti-gun John Kerry in 2004).

Please make a note of the change.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jay!

I was did not know they supported John Kerry in 2004.


Hecate said...

When I recently started a new job, the HR person gave me the whole "safe workplace" spiel on my first day. I was warned, as a professional geek, not to bring any sort of pocket multitool to work because they considered them "dangerous weapons."

Seems some timid soul saw another employee using his scary switchpliers once and complained. Sheesh.