Monday, June 7, 2010

Eternal Vigilance...

Because nutballs like these guys are out there, just waiting...

N.J. men planned to 'wage violent jihad,' feds say

New York (CNN) -- Two New Jersey men arrested at a New York airport planned to travel to Somalia to "wage violent jihad," and also had expressed a willingness to commit violent acts in the United States, according to prosecutors and a federal criminal complaint.

Mohamed Mahmoud Alessa, 20, of North Bergen, New Jersey, and Carlos Eduardo Almonte, 24, of Elmwood Park, New Jersey, were taken into custody Saturday at John F. Kennedy International Airport. The two intended to take separate flights to Egypt on their way to Somalia "to join designated foreign terrorist organization al-Shabaab and wage violent jihad," federal prosecutors said in a statement.

Reading through the article, it appears these two were the terrorist equivalent of GunKid. They were planning on conditioning themselves through paintball (I kid you not) and equated bigger muscles with the ability to kill more non-muslims, as though detonators were magically getting harder to push or they had only bought dull boxcutters... It appears as though the bulk of their activities were limited to internet puffery and a lot of hot air, but who knows what these clowns really were capable of doing?

And these are the stupid, careless ones. These are the ones who got caught - now, whether they were decoys or just the dumbest of the box 'o' rocks remains to be seen. We have no way of knowing if these were the only terrorist wannabes out lurking the Jersey shore, if there's thousands more like them, or if there's hundreds more looking down their noses at the rank amateurs that got caught.

One thing's for certain, though - the enemy isn't at the gate, he's already gotten in and is living down the street in the old brownstone...

That is all.


PISSED said...

I couldn't agree with you more...they are here and its only a matter of time. Until then they can build mosques next to ground zero and walk their asses across an unsecured border.... WTF are we doing?

ASM826 said...

Here is a quote from the House Committee on Homeland Security - Interim Report This is on the website.

"During 2005, Border Patrol apprehended approximately 1.2 million illegal aliens; of those 165,000 were from countries other than Mexico.Of the non-Mexican aliens, approximately 650 were from special interest countries. Special interest countries are those “designated by the intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism.” "

Weer'd Beard said...

And the Anti-Gun talking point rings in my ears:

"Why would anybody need an "assault Weapon"?"

Why indeed....

Best to keep as many of those magazines loaded as you can stand, you might need them when you least expect it....

Jay G said...


I've played paintball before and, yes, if used in conjunction with an entire group dedicated to the same end, yes, totally agree it can be a valuable training exercise.

Something tells me these lunkheads weren't organizing 10 man teams to go head to head, though - just a hunch.

As for muscle, there's a point beyond which it becomes self-defeating - you need to dedicate so much time to putting fuel into the system that the advantages are overshadowed by the drawbacks.

I have a gut feeling they were in it more for the hot al Quaeda groupies than any sense of jihad, but still... ;)

jimbob86 said...

"I have a gut feeling they were in it more for the hot al Quaeda groupies than any sense of jihad, but still... ;)"

....Uhmmm.... I spose it's about as good a way to get chicks as 'roidin' up, painting yourself orange and slathering on the hair goo... it's Jersey....

bluesun said...

On the radio it sounded like exercising was one of their offenses. It made me go WTF? So exercising is illegal in NJ?