Monday, June 14, 2010

Not That There's Anything *Wrong* With That...

The Boston Pride Parade was this past Saturday. They had a pretty miserable day for a parade, but made the most of the poor weather anyways. I read about the event in the Globe last night, and came across the following picture:

Here's the caption:
Gary Ende, of New York, twirled a flag with other members of the Lesbian and Gay Big Apple Corps color guard .
and all I could think of was "there's a Lesbian and Gay Big Apple Corps color guard? I'll bet they're simply fabulous!"...

I'm a terrible person, I know...

That is all.


Sabra said...

Ooh, well, at least that boy in the lead is doing his part to combat the "all gay men have excellent fashion sense" stereotype...

I didn't attend our Pride Festival, but this being San Antonio I am certain it involved beer and pointy-toed boots. And hopefully nothing quite that.

Mrs. Widget said...

I bet they are (fabulous) too.

MedicMatthew said...

Heh, I snorted. No lie.