Sunday, June 6, 2010

On What Planet?

Patrick rallies party, calls out GOP

WORCESTER — In a combative and forceful speech to the state Democratic convention, Governor Deval Patrick rallied party activists to his reelection campaign yesterday, warning that his rivals would roll back the gains his administration has made in the areas of the economy, social justice, health care, and the environment.

Appearing before more than 3,900 delegates, Patrick gave a strong defense of his record and a robust appeal to the party’s values, trying to infuse the crowd with both confidence and new energy as Democrats face a volatile electorate and battle with Republicans for control of the governor’s office, congressional seats, and scores of statewide and legislative posts.
Like the title says, on what planet? On what planet has "Cadillac" Deval made "gains" in the economy? In his four year tenure as governor of MA, we've seen both businesses and taxpayers flee the state in droves; he's done nothing but raise taxes - further increasing the burden on those who are trying hardest to provide; in short, he's done nothing but run the standard Dem playbook - jack up taxes on those who pay while promising the moon to those who don't.

"Social justice"? Shall I comb the meager archives here at MArooned for story after story of criminals getting mere slaps on the wrist? We coddle violent criminals, releasing them from jail with half their sentence - or more - left unserved while at the same time prosecuting non-criminals for owning politically incorrect pieces of metal - holding them for months without bail and ruining their lives in the process. Or does Patrick mean that since we elected him, there's no more racism in MA? Think again, governor.

Health care? Um, do you perhaps mean the "everybody is forced to buy health insurance" plan rammed down our throats by Mitt Romney? The one marked by cost overruns, forced fees on those who elect not to participate, and health insurers fleeing MA like the plague? Environment? I'm stumped here. Aside from continuing Ted Kennedy's jihad against wind power, what, exactly, has Patrick done? I'm trying to come up with something and failing.

Governor Patrick, much like your idol, the Teleprompter Jesus, you need to have actually done something to run on it.

That is all.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Unfortunately, his idol ran successfully on nothing more than vague promises and a record made up by his PR department, rather than actually having done something. He probably thinks he can do the same.

Wally said...

Nah Jay, that's the democratic mantra right there.
1) tell you we're gonna help
2) completely screw you
3) remind you just how much we helped.

So running on a 'nothing but hot air campaign' should net deval at least 30%. Nah, 40% since MA has so many voters who decide based only on how good the hot air feeeeels.

Steve said...


Allow me to defend Gov. Nasal lisp.

He's created hundreds of jobs, for friends, neighbors, and contributors right there on the state payroll.

Social justice is reserved for the most vulnerable in society -- the poor criminal who has been put upon all of his life by the "man". Why else would elected officials like Buonomo have to steal quarters to supplement his meager wages, and stix addison only had 10 evolutions through the commonwealth's system before those racists in NH put him on death row.

Healthcare is reserved for the same people who've been denied social justice all their lives. It's the taxpayer's turn to bed rationed, the lazy and worthless have been dying in the streets for too long while Mass. General cuts out the tonsils of children with the sniffles.

The Mass democrat party's environmental is unparalleled. Whitey Bulger himself fertilized acres and acres of Tinean Beach and the Irish Riviera, why just last month the MWRA tried to show you all what the melting polar ice caps will do to greater Boston.

As an outsider, it looks to me like Gov. Uppercrust is gaining ground and Charlie Baker is another strawman candidate put up by dem plants in the Mass. GOP

Good luck man.

Weer'd Beard said...

See you in November, Deval!