Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The President Is Channeling Chuck Norris?

Obama looking for 'whose ass to kick'

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama bluntly defended his administration's response to the undersea gusher fouling the Gulf of Mexico on Monday, telling an interviewer he has met with experts to learn "whose ass to kick."

"I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the Gulf," Obama told NBC's "Today" show in an interview scheduled to air Tuesday. "A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there, standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be."

Um, Barack, dear? A month ago the oil had been gushing out for three weeks at that point. It was already a crisis. I'll grant that at the time it was too soon for you to swoop in, Chuck Norris-like, and save the day singlehandedly; however claiming that - at the three week mark - you were showing some sort of prescience is pretty darn laughable. Almost as laughable as the thought of a creampuff Ivy Leaguer lightweight throwing around terms like kicking someone's ass.

Leaving aside the press's gleeful reaction to candidate Bush's (apt) description of Adam Clymer, it's interesting to see their reaction to this statement from Øbama. It's silly, pointless "tough guy" rhetoric meant to inflame, as though the awesome power of the Federal Government swooping in to shut operations down, audit tax records, and throw people in jail wasn't enough. Does President Øbama have such a low opinion of the American people as to think they'll forget his lackluster performance thus far because he talks like a B movie action hero?

From now on, please leave the potty talk to Joe "big fucking deal" Biden, okay?

That is all.


RW said...

I'm willing to give the guy a bit of a pass on this one as Matt Lauer basically put those words in his mouth with the question, it wasn't like he, obviously going off the talking points, brought up that phrase out of the blue. IIRC, it was basically Matt Lauer saying "are you going to kick some ass or what?"

So, following through on my promise I made to myself in '08 that I'd never begin to act like the left did vis-a-vis Bush, this one's at the feet of that unprofessional liberal-pretending-to-be-a-journalist Matt Lauer & not Black Jesus from Telepromptereth.

IMO, anyway.

notDilbert said...

Matt's just doing what he's been told. Make the President appear to be more engaged and not so aloof.

The real Chuck never talks about what he is about to do....he just goes in and does it.

....It sounds more like he's channeling Adam Sandler to me.....complete with the whinny voice.

CalvinsMom said...

The Precedent couldn't wipe his own ass without both hands, a mirror, a flashlight and two spotters.

PISSED said...

Calvins Mom... you forgot..and a telepromter .:)

Jay G said...

No, he couldn't FIND his ass without a searchlight, a couple of bloodhounds, and a teleprompter...

RW said...

...and someone else to pay for the searchlight, bloodhounds and teleprompter while he blames Bush.