Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Did I Do?

Okay. One is happenstance. Two is coincidence. Three different automotive-based forums linking here tells me that something I wrote struck a chord with someone in the automotive world...

I'm seeing incoming links from the following forums:
  • GM Full Size
  • LA (Louisiana) Truck Scene
  • DFW Minis
  • Dayton Mini Trucks
Now, given that there has been a two-month lull in my automotive posts, and that I started the Top Ten list with a list of cars I don't like, the paranoid in me assumes that someone took offense to something I've written. If anyone out there happens to be a member at one of the above forums, could y'all check out and let me know what's going on? I'm happy to get the hits, but if I've offended my motorhead brethren (and sistren), I'd like to know. Alternately, if anyone from any of these forums pops in here, give a shout and let me know what's going on...

At the very least there's gotta be more blogfodder available...

That is all.

UPDATE: Found another one - Dayton Mini Trucks - that's linking the helmet video from earlier. The internet is a wild and wonderful place.


Sigivald said...

I wouldn't worry - if some forumd00ds were pissed off, you'd see idiot troll comments about it, most likely.

That seems to be how things work everywhere else, at least.

Old NFO said...

Looks like more readers :-)

Bubblehead Les. said...

Guns AND Cars, bro, Guns and Cars :-)

SCI-FI said...

Links in from auto blogs...

