Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Little Help Here...

Who the holy hell is "Lindsay Lohan" and/or why should I give a flying rat's patoot that she's going to jail?

That is all.


ASM826 said...

Doesn't matter who she is. The reason she's in the news is the same reason people slow down and rubberneck at car accidents. Sometimes it's just such an awful mess you have to stare.

JD said...

She is Paris Hilton all over again but even more of a train wreck. . . and without good enough lawyers to get out of jail. . .

Anonymous said...

I just said that!!

zeeke42 said...

"About this Ms. Lohan; is she a singer or an actress or one of those annoying creatures like Paris Hilton who doesn't seem to actually do anything except display herself in public in a way that gets you spanked when you're three and on the cover of tabloids when you're twenty-three? " -- Tam

Weer'd Beard said...

She WAS a good indicator that your Y-Chromosome would interfere with you enjoying any films she's in.

Tho at this rate she might be soon to appear in "films" featured on

TOTWTYTR said...

No one, and you shouldn't care a bit. You, unlike much of the TV audience, have a life.

Sarah said...

She's a celebrity, Jay, so your lack of knowledge about every little thing that she does or says indicates that you aren't visiting the circus. You probably piss and moan about the bread, too, don't you?


Anonymous said...


WV=hyped .... how fitting

Tango said...

For me, Lindsay Lohan is someone to laugh at. Hard. I love hearing about her misfortune, especially considering how often her peers have gotten away with stuff without punishment because they're famous. The fact that she's going to jail for any extended (extended? Whatever...) period of time just makes me snicker.

Old NFO said...

Who cares? I sure as hell don't...

Paul, Dammit! said...

I think she hangs out with that creepy little guy with all the hairdo's... what's his name, Lady Gaga?

Christina RN LMT said...

I think it's sad that she had so much talent and drank and snorted it away. When she was little (like pre-puberty and maybe a little beyond), she was a great actress. Now she's just a joke.

Anonymous said...

I just know her from the Parent Trap remake. Not a big fan of remakes, but this one wasn't bad. I almost didn't watch it because she's become such a little shit.