Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reaping What Ye Sow...

People Offer No Help As Man Struggles In Water
SALEM (WBZ) ―Dale McNulty admits that a flap over crossed fishing lines hadn't earned him any friends on the Salem Willows Pier last Friday evening.

But he wasn't ready for what happened when he climbed over the railing to retrieve his snagged hook, and tumbled into the rough surf 15 feet below. "When I came up a wave hit me and threw me against a pole with a whole bunch of barnacles on it," says the 30-year-old Peabody man. "So I grabbed onto it."
Um, yeah. From all other accounts, it was a lot more than just a "flap over crossed fishing lines". McNulty was acting like a royal bucket of piss, spewing obscenities at the other people fishing, ignoring others' fishing spaces, and just plain acting like a big-mouthed jerk - both before and after he fell in the water. That floors me - this idiot goes in the drink, can't swim, and still insults and cusses the people he expects to save him.

It'd be one thing if a section of railing gave way and he fell in - that's no fault of his own. But this loudmouthed jackass hung over the edge - even though he couldn't swim - and wound up falling in. It's his own damn fault for going in the water, and yet he still acts like a jackass towards the people he expects to save him. He's lucky no one dropped him a cinder block life preserver.

There's a good allegory here: When you're not nice to people on the way up, don't expect them to be nice to you on the way down. We reap what we sow, and if you happen to sow a f**k you @$$hole mentality, don't be shocked when people don't go out of their way to help you. Certainly don't expect help if you continue to antagonize them. And you sure as hell shouldn't be surprised if folks are quite willing to point and laugh at your misfortune - you dug your own damn hole here.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes - it's more than just a category here at MArooned...

That is all.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

That's not right! He's a human being! Rescue him!

Not if you happen to kick his tackle box into the drink in an effort to drag his loudmouth to safety, well, it couldn't be helped...

Jay G said...

Guys like this make the "we had to burn the village to save it" method look appealing...

ASM826 said...

I love humanity. It's individual people that torque me off.

Weer'd Beard said...

Q: How do you keep an asshole from drowning?

A: Take your foot off his head.

Paul, Dammit! said...

And thus we see the sailor's quandary: stifle the urge to put boot to ass when boot to ass is called for, or hope that someone who likes you is the one to hear you ask for help when you fall overboard...