Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Fixed It!

Heh. Sometimes you have to celebrate the little victories... We went camping over the Fourth of July, and as we got ready to leave the campground, noticed that we had a rear bulb out. Managed to limp the camper home and got a replacement bulb only to discover that the entire socket had burned out. A quick online search turned up replacement sockets which were delivered within a week's time, and I just now re-wired the light with the new socket. Plugged the connector into the truck, made sure all lights worked (directional, brake light, hazards) and all is again well.

I joke about being "mechanically declined" a lot, usually in deference to various and sundry home "improvement" projects or automobile maintenance. The truth is that I can usually do what needs to be done (albeit with a fair deal of four, eleven, and nineteen letter words) - sometimes it won't be pretty but it will be functional (hence the "I Fixed It!" title ala ThereIFixedIt...) Being self-reliant is a wonderful thing - having the ability to bring order out of chaos is always a useful skill. Sometimes it takes dire measures to bring out the inner mechanic (or, in my case, electrician), but it's always good to know you can get the job done if you have to...

Now, if only I could apply the same diligence to getting started reloading...

That is all.


Wally said...

Heh, had a day like that too- it started with a windowsill that turned out to be thoroughly rotten.

And I'll be spending my evening in the basement making some .44 JHPs for $11/box...

John said...

I've found that car repair is generally more successful with profuse swearing.

Or at least it feels better that way.

doubletrouble said...

Oh great.
Thanks for linking that website- I fell in & LMAO for about two hours.

You owe me two hours now...

Jay G said...


That was originally sent to my by my buddy Dan, the Ford master mechanic with the restored 1958 Plymouth Belvedere...