Friday, September 3, 2010

The Blogroll, It Is A-Changin'...

Hoo, boy. I've been neglecting my poor blogroll and it shows. I haven't done an update in a few weeks now, between vacation and whatnot, and I've got a bunch of new blogs to add.

First off, I have another blogchild! Please welcome Obsidian Jester's Court to the blogroll and to the Blogchildren section. He acknowledges my paternity thusly:
I'm willing to give you credit for the blogfather bit as you were the first blog I read and I have checked it every day I have had a chance to, multiple times and you inspired me, admittedly.

High praise indeed. Thanks Jester!

Secondly, please welcome the following new blogs to the MArooned blogroll:

1. My Big Mouth.
2. Snooze Button Ronin (a.k.a. Awelowynt from Gunblogger Conspiracy)
3. Dragonblasts (the non-work blog of Dennis from Dragon Leatherworks)

And lastly, the following blogs have changed their URLs. Please make a note of the new addresses.

1. Too Old to Work, Too Young to Retire is no longer a blogspot denizen. I gotta look into that.
2. The blog formerly known as The Desert Defender is now Eyes Wide Closed.

Once again, I need to repeat my standard disclaimer. Folks, I run a reciprocal blogroll* here at MArooned. If you link MArooned, let me know about it and I'll add you here. I can't acknowledge your link if I don't know about it! Send me an e-mail, comment on a post, send me a note on Facebook, just let me know!

Lots of new reading today!

That is all.

*As SCI-FI so kindly reminded me, I left the "*" hanging. I do reserve the right to reject blogs not conforming to the rigorous standards of MArooned. No, really. Stop laughing!


Jester said...

Thank you for the warm welcome. I don't remember for the life of me how I found your blog, but I do know I started to follow it oct or November of last year while my tour in Iraq was winding down, and it's been both entertaining and informative. Keep it coming!

Warrior Knitter said...

You're a daily read and you're on my blogroll.

JP said...

Thanks for mentioning me. (I got traffic yay!)

The domain name will continue to point to my blog until July next year - at which point I may let it expire. will be the main URL to access it.


Patrick said...

Well if that is all it takes.. you're probably my blog father as well.

You were one of the first, if not the first that I read and you've answered a lot of my questions in IRC.