Friday, September 17, 2010

The Blogroll, She Is 'A' Changin'...

Have a few new blogs to add to the roll, and one that I came across that is no longer active. Please welcome the following blogs to the MArooned blogroll:

1. Warrior Knitter. Anyone who has "IDPA" and "Monkey socks" as tags for posts - and tags the same post with both - is okay in my book.
2. Ordnancecorner's Weblog. Guns and other fun stuff.
3. Basic Instruction. Scott Meyer is one handsome devil. Funny as hell, too.
4. The Broken Patriot. Craig's got some really good stuff; definitely worth a look.
5. Lead and Fermentation. Because, really, who doesn't like guns and beer?
6. Lawyer with a Gun. Methinks someone doth take William Shakespeare's admonition on lawyers too seriously...

And lastly, Erica formerly of Erica's Corner appears to no longer be blogging. Erica, if you changed your address and are still blogging, drop me a line with the new addy and I'll add you back on!

Now, go read those new blogs - there's a lot of gunnie goodness there!

That is all.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the link, I enjoy reading your blog. This may double my readers up to 20 or so!!

Lawyer said...

Thanks for the link! I'm honored! I was born in Springfield, but I was given the privilege to emigrate when I was 14. Looks like I left in time.

Keep blogging!