Thursday, September 23, 2010

Building on a Theme...

Wow. Sometimes you get something dropped in your lap that's just pure manna from heaven. I posted this story about Barney Frank's re-election woes earlier today, and before it had even posted, I received an e-mail from B with the following picture:


Talk about prescient - even my post title couldn't have been more perfect (Sign of the Times). According to B, this picture was taken today in Lynn, MA - a blue collar, reliably Democrat-leaning town just outside of Boston. There's still a big union influence in Lynn, and plenty of yellow dog Democrats. If an Øbama sign is out in the trash in an urban center in Massachusetts a month and a half from election day, all bets are off for November.

The only bad part is that a big Dem loss means a big GOP win - and we all know how poorly the Stupid Party takes signs...

That is all.


PISSED said...

now THAT picture warms my heart...

wolfwalker said...

Indeed it does, but I still have a question: why is someone tossing a sign from the 2008 campaign indicative of anything in the 2010 campaign? Maybe they were just cleaning out the attic or the garage.

Jay G said...

I'd like to think they realize that they're not going to need that sign in 2012...

SCI-FI said...


In a state where people cherish their Lefty political activism (including campaign signs), someone tossing an Obama sign, especially now that we're approaching his political de-pantsing, is akin to spitting on their "KENNEDY IN '60" signs...

Veeshir said...

I was in NY last weekend and I met a flaming liberal who said he was voting for the crazy Republican, Paladino. He said he was sick of the media going after him for being crazy and ignoring that he wants to cut taxes 10% and spending 20%.
I thought that was interesting.

Then I see he's within 6 points of Cuomo.

Imagine that.

TOTWTYTR said...

While encouraging and cheering, the sign in the trash means that someone was cleaning their basement or garage.

If it were a Deval Patrick sign, I'd be much more excited.

Imagine that Barney Frank actually has to campaign for re-election. I wonder if he's regretting those town meetings where he dismissed people who disagreed with him as nut cases. Suddenly insulting potential voters doesn't seem like such a good idea, huh, Barney?

A Republican Senator, Charlie Baker has a chance to win, Jeff Perry might win, Barney has a serious challenger. Even Martha Choakley has a Republican opponent who isn't Jack E. Robinson.

Strange and wonderous times.

Scott said...

So you've kept all your lawn campaign signs from years past?
Are you That Guy with the 2000/2004/2008 bumper stickers on his car?