Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Thanks...

After posting about receiving some pre-ban magazines from Jester last week, I received an e-mail from George over at Newbie Shooter (who I had the pleasure of meeting at the NRA convention last May). George had a handful of pre-ban 30 round AR-15 magazines that he didn't use any more, and asked if I could use them.

A short while later a box arrived with these:

More Mags!

In the box was a gift, and a note from George - the magazines came with a price! It seems that shortly after the NRA convention, George took a trip to the former Soviet Republic and brought home a handful of gen-yoo-wine communist apparatchik style hats, and he figured that it would be the perfect fashion accessory for a prisoner resident of the Volksrepublik of MA. George's "price" for the magazines was for me to model the gift. You be the judge:

In Communist MA, Hat Wears You!

Heh. Thanks for the magazines *and* the hat, George!

That is all.


PISSED said...

OK... I guess I got up to early..but Jay I gotta hand it to ya, I have tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks at 6:01 a.m. after looking at that pic and caption...

thanks for starting my day off with some good humor!!!

Weer'd Beard said...

How about this. When the "Progressives" see this post, do they smile at a Conservative Troglodyte wearing garb from the one true religion (National Socialism), or do they cry at you acquiring magazines through the "Magazine Loophole"? (Pre-Ban Magazines are 100% legal in this state...therefor its a "Loophole")

Heath J said...

Loookink gooud, Comrade!

George said...

Made of win! Thanks, Jay, for a good morning laugh. Wear it in good health!

Lissa said...

HAT FTW!!!!! LMAO!!!

Broken Andy said...

Great picture.

But I don't understand. Is the pre-ban thing because of MA state law? If so, seems like low hanging fruit for a post-McDonald law suit given that these mags are in common use nearly everywhere else.

Julie said...

lol ....

Anonymous said...



Christina RN LMT said...

Yo, PimpDaddy! ROFLMAO!

The expression on your face...!

Anonymous said...

wiping tea off computer screen....



Alan said...

I like the hopeless communist look.


Jay G said...

Heh. Glad y'all liked the picture. I took *dozens* trying to get just the right look, from goofy smiles to serious "Sam the Eagle" shots until inspiration struck.

1. I'm stuck in the Volksrepublik of Massachusetts.

2. I have in my possession a hat from the Soviet Union, one of the big fur-lined ushanka most often seen on the tops of high-ranking communist party types.

3. I also have red curtains in the family room.

4. Channel my inner dissident and have fun!


Glad I could start your day with a chuckle!


That's a good question. I think overall it's a win for the progressives, as I'm forced to make do with 16+ year old magazines...


I should have posed with one of my Mosin Nagants...


Glad you liked it! Thanks again for the mags, too!


So, should I wear it to the dinner Saturday night? :)


That's an excellent question. Of course, the MA ban is nothing more than an extension of the Federal Assault weapons ban, so the question is more "How the hell did the AWB ever pass Constitutional muster?"...


Heh. Glad you got a chuckle out of it.


Heh. See my comment about wishing I'd posed with my Mosin...


It took many shots to get that look just right... :)


Heh. Careful or I'll wear it Saturday night like I promised Lissa...


That is exactly the look I was shooting for! Of course, the sad part is I just remembered what state I lived in for my "motivation"...

Mike W. said...

Love the face! You look downright despondent, like Communism has eaten away at your soul.

MaddMedic said...

That boy ain't right!!

Darn funny though!!

Lissa said...

Need you ask? Of COURSE you should! We all want to pose next to you!! (Hmmm . . . maybe I'll hold Rajah on top of my head so we can kind-of match . . . )

Anonymous said...

Your hat is called an "ushanka" (oo-shan-ka).

Literally it means "ear hat" in Russian.

Shootin' Buddy

Anonymous said...

A submariner I used to know had one something like that with a red star in front, probably swapped hats with his counterpart in the Soviet navy. I always thought it was an awesome hat but never got the story of how it was obtained.

Anonymous said...

You kept your end of the deal, but George got the $hitty end of it. :-P

Cograts on your mags!

Rabbit said...

Your expression suggests the chinchilla on your head has an incontinence problem.

It is a good-looking unit of manly headgear, and I mean that with all sincerity. I got one for my brother a couple of years ago, as he's outdoors all winter. He loves it.

Old NFO said...

Personally I think it's the deer in the headlights look :-)

Drang said...

My, what a, um, er, cunning hat...

16 year old mags can be refurbished, BTW. I have some 30+ year old 30 rounders that followed me home form the Army, new springs, new followers, work fine.

WV: euranons. Europeans Anonymous. Love to hear that 12-Step Plan...

phlegmfatale said...

That is the funniest damned photo. LOVE. IT.