Monday, September 13, 2010

What A Difference Two Years Makes...

Two years ago, dissent was patriotic. Nowadays, dissent is enough to get you a lifetime ban from the US:

UK Teenager Banned From America For Life Over Obscene Obama Email
A British teenager who sent an email to the White House calling President Obama an obscenity was banned from America for life, The Sun reported Monday.

The FBI asked local cops to tell college student Luke Angel, 17, his drunken insult was "unacceptable."

Did he threaten the President? Did he threaten the President's family? US sources aren't revealing the e-mail or the exact punishment, but the young persona non grata claims his e-mail committed the cardinal sin of insufficient fawning over Teleprompter Jesus:
"I don't remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a p***k. It was silly -- the sort of thing you do when you're a teenager and have had a few."

Unless there were specific death threats or terrorist activities mentioned in that e-mail, it is simply unconcionable that there was even any action taken. I'm curious to know just how much this little snitfit cost us, between man-hours lost chasing the e-mail down to agent time spent contacting and interacting with British authorities. Something tells me a not-inconsequential amount of time and money went into this, all over an insult?

But then again, someone did fail to show proper subservience to Dear Leader, so drastic measures must be taken...

That is all.

Link sent from my usual puerveyor of things that make me go GRRRRRR!, PISSED


John said...

The journalistic standards of The Sun are not high, so I doubt that this story is completely accurate.

Ancient Woodsman said...

Guess that's what you get for hurting the CEOs feelings.

Imagine what would have happened had there been an actual threat; perhaps they would have added, "Nyah, nyah, nyah! Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" to the notice? Or something similarly powerful & adult?

Mike W. said...

Well we all know how well narcissists take to being insulted.

I am not surprised.

John Stephens said...

This guy makes a drunken ass of himself in another country, insults the local Head of State, and gets nothing worse than being shown the door and told not to return? Sorry, not feeling it. He got off lightly compared to what would have happened in any other country, including his own (I've SEEN people get a beatdown for disparaging the Queen, and served them right).

Weer'd Beard said...

Also why punish somebody for telling

JayG. is Bald
Mike W. Is so thin he hides behind street signs.

Weer'd has a beard, and is strange

My wife has 7/8th of a Brain

Obama is a Prick!

OH NO! Call the Fuzz QUICK! Truth being told!!!

Jay G said...


Read the article again - he was IN England and sent an e-mail here.

*We* took it upon ourselves to contact the local law enforcement in the UK to get in touch with this kid. It'd be like Tam getting a letter from Venezuela for calling Chavez "Pugsley"...

Alan said...

Clearly Pissed needs to get his own blog and stop trying to kill you, Jay.

Jay G said...

Shh. Don't bogart my, um, blogfodder alan...

PISSED said...

Alan, PISSED gets to aggravated and can't type and splice words as well as the humble owner of this blog :)

although I do post at the blog linked by my nic... :D

TOTWTYTR said...

It's a disgrace, but not a surprise. The thin skinned intellectual light weight in the White House can't stand criticism of any kind. It's all either personal insult, unpatriotic, or racist. None of it is based on his inability to do anything without screwing it up.

A village in Hawaii is obviously missing it's idiot.


1389 said...

If the US is going to betray all of the principles upon which it was founded, then what is the point of wanting to come here in the first place?

For all intents and purposes, the US is under a quisling regime that is facilitating a stealthy, slow-motion Islamic occupation. The UK is unfortunately in much the same situation.

If this kid wants to live in a free country - despite all the guff you read in the western MSM and even the conservative press - I suggest that he start learning Russian.

Jester said...

What a bloody damned joke. Sweet jesus almighty, If that is all it takes to be banished from a free country then somethings either missing from the story, or the the clown in the white house really has too thin of a skin. What next, those of us that are still "citizens" in this country will be excommunicated or banished for insulting someone in the administration?

SpeakerTweaker said...

Apparently, Obama isn't just a p***k. He's also a p***y.


John B said...

weerd, are you speaking truth to power again?

Obama Whatta Prick!
I suppose he'll try and ban me from the US now. Pity I'm a year younger than him and I been here longer, I got seniority. So the PRICK can f**k off back to Kenya!

John Stephens said...

The Fox article wasn't clear on this, but The Sun article was. Correction noted, and apology offered.

Donald said...

So in Obama's great wisdom the First Amendment does not apply to our Allies... nice.