Friday, October 1, 2010

An Addition that Brings A Smile to Your Face...

A reader sent the following story along, from an unlikely place:

Suspect charged with murder after home invasion
A Melrose Park man was ordered held on bail today after he and another man were shot by an elderly homeowner as they tried to break into the man's Ukrainian Village home, officials said.

Frank Obrachta, 45, was charged with first-degree murder and home invasion but remained hospitalized after being shot by the 79-year-old man on the 2100 block of West Huron Avenue, said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman for the Cook County state's attorney's office.
Reading the story, we find out that the choirboy that was killed was 32 years old. 32 and 45 and they double-team a 79 year old man after choking, pummeling and pepper-spraying him. What do you think that 79 year old's chances were without a handgun? What's the likelihood that he would have lived through the encounter without the gun? What are the odds that a near-octogenarian could fight off multiple attackers, one half his age, the other nearly a third?

Firearms even the fight. They remove the advantage from the strong, the young, the brutal. One only needs the strength to pull a trigger as opposed to the stamina needed to go three rounds with a brutal street thug and convicted felon. Without that gun there's a very good chance that 79 year old man would be dead, yet another sad statistic in the war against honest people. Prison didn't stop the man who attacked him; in fact it made it more likely that he would have been killed so as not to identify him.

But a .38 to the chest sure stopped him cold.

Dead Goblin Count: 71

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

The 45 year old man was charged with murder when He was the one shot by the homeowner? Did the .38 slug fly out of his chest and hit his partner-in-crime? Or does the Highly Paid news types need to hire a laid-off English Teacher to tell them about using the word "attempted"?

And it happened in ChiTown, and the DA isn't going after the Homeowner! MUST be an election year.

Either way, good news for the Good Guys. P.S.: Still plan on coming to Ohio next week?

Jay G said...

I think it's one of those deals where if someone gets killed in the commission of a crime, his partner(s) are responsible.

And yes, still planning on heading out. Looking forward to meeting y'all!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Great! I'll make sure I bring the Mauser and its Bayonet!