Saturday, October 23, 2010

All But The Last Panel...

Heh. Sent to me by TheAxe was this funny comic from The Oatmeal. The second-to-last panel is more my default, and the last panel would never, ever in a million years cross my mind. This is Massachusetts, after all, and that last panel would be seen as an unforgivable sign of weakness akin to using one's turn signal...

Death before yielding, that's the MA roadway motto...

That is all.


Groundhog said...

Ah, but here in Texas that last panel would actually be used. Granted a lot more in less urban areas. We still have some civility here mostly due to the last line we'd have to add to that display...

Oh, and PLEASE don't shoot me :)

notDilbert said...

My car has....

a headlight flasher stalk..

Which used to mean,when shown to an oncoming car, "Hello fellow decerning driver of an imported sports car."

......and then sometimes meant, .... Be careful..... Town Revenue Enhancement opportunity ahead.

Now I mostly use them to say ......

Get the hell out of the left lane, there's nobody in front of you and 5 cars behind're holding up the flow of traffic.

bluesun said...


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

That last panel would be okay for my car, but what I want on my ambulance is a pair of these mounted on the roof of the cab.

"The lights and siren mean pull over and STOP you dumb@$$!!"

Ruth said...

I learned to drive in and around Boston, and to this day I scare my husband when I drive....and he used to drive for a living here in central NY state!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Be careful with that Finger. Read what happened to McThag a couple of days ago.

Old NFO said...

LOL- that would work down South, that's for sure...

Old NFO said...

LOL- that would work down South, that's for sure...

Ian Argent said...

I was just up in Boston for business a week ago, and unless y'all hulk out during rush hour, I found the MA parts of the trip rather pleasant. (Please note - I intentionally timed it so I arrives AT the Finanical Distritc Hilton @ 5 pm and left at 7 pm. So I did not get to taste the rush hour traffic.)

OTOH, the CT drivers are nucking futz; and the NH ones only slightly less (juding from the road trip last month to NH). And why I-84 outside of hartford is a F-150 barbeque I'll never know.

(Possibly relevant, I learned to drive around the DC beltway, acknowledged as the worst hive of scummy and villanous drivers for several years running).

Oh, and Boston PEDS are the worst I've seen in the US. Most places, they at least PRETEND to pay attention to the walk/don't walk indicators.

Weer'd Beard said...

I need to start saying "Fuck your favorite vegetable!" more often!

Kevin said...

I kept waiting for the special directed light beam or laser that allows you to wake up the obliviot in the left hand lane with 15 cars behind them who cannot seem to tell that the right hand lane is now open, their time to lead is past, and it is now time for them to get out of the way.

douglas2 said...

On the way to work this morning I was contemplating the legality of re-purposing the rear window washer into a device that would spray the windscreen of the tailgating pickup truck behind me. I feel that a "please maintain safe distance" signal is needed