Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Feelings... Nothing More Than... Feelings...

Gah. Sent to me by PISSED is this little tidbit of Euro STOOPID:

A Spray of DNA to Keep the Robbers Away
ROTTERDAM, the Netherlands — When the McDonald’s down from City Hall here was burglarized a few years ago, its managers decided they needed a new security

It was just about that time that local police officers were offering something totally different that they hoped would stem a rising tide of robberies that occur mainly in the immigrant neighborhoods of this rough-and-tumble port city. The new system involved an employee-activated device that sprays a fine, barely visible mist laced with synthetic DNA to cover anyone in its path, including criminals, and simultaneously alerts the police to a crime in progress.

So... Synthetic DNA as opposed to, oh, dye that has existed for decades? The allure of the DNA, apparently, is that it is unique to the store in which it was sprayed. This allows the police to match a criminal to the scene of the crime, apparently, and it's a little depressing that they have to go to such extreme methods to deter simple strongarm robbery...

The police acknowledge that they have yet to make an arrest based on the DNA mist, which was developed in Britain by two brothers, one a policeman and the other a chemist.

{blink}{blink} Yet. To. Make. An. Arrest. I've done protein purification before. I have a rough idea what's involved in DNA synthesis. They've gone through the process of making synthetic DNA, aerosolizing it, and implementing a system of distribution throughout the country to... do nothing! But they feel safe! It malfunctions and sprays people who didn't do anything - and they are not charged - but they feel safe!

I'd rather be safe - start arresting and aggressively prosecuting the miscreants robbing the stores for starters - than feel safe any day...

That is all.


notDilbert said...

....... Soooo, They have a system run by poorly trained personnel that goes off at random intervals covering both customers and bad guys and does not have a time stamp component.

....and they wonder why no prosecutor has not yet stepped up to use this marvelous tool to convict the bad guys?

Bubblehead Les. said...

This is like all those Security cameras that take the pictures of a Store Clerk being beaten over the head by a Pipe-Wielding Thug. Two weeks AFTER the event, and ONE week AFTER the Clerk's Funeral, police announce they caught the Bad Guy when he ran a red light and went on a High Speed Chase that killed a driver who was coming the other way.

I'm so sick of all these "After" events. We're supposed to feel safe knowing that when the Goblins do their Evil, we have Photographic Proof that will send them to Prison if they get caught.

Of course, these new methods allow the Police Dept to NOT have Cops patrolling the Hood, allowing them to watch it on TV from the safety of the Station, then send out the Swat team to handle it.

This is how Jails and Prisons are monitored, and they have faster Response time.

We gotta change this Mindset, and force our Public Servants to get more proactive with Boots on the Ground, or more will die because they're waiting on 911 to save them.

Carry a Gun to Live.

Rabbit said...

How about a device that sprays cadaverine when tampered with?