Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Gun Pr0n #187

Today's gun pr0n is another fine firearm from Matt at SWR Manufacturing:

Be Vewy Quiet...

That's a suppressed Beretta 85, the perfect gun for The World's Most Dangerous Librarian (because it's a .380 and it's quiet, natch). I don't think this one actually got shot at the shoot, being as how it's a .380 and all and as such ammo is rather limited. We did get a really cool shot of the innards of the suppressor, though:

The Insides are on the Outside!

Kinda weird, isn't it, that you're looking at many hundreds of dollars right there - not to mention the royal hassle from the Feds...

That is all.


Sevesteen said...

If suppressors were unrestricted as they should be, I bet a working can for a .380 would start around $29.95, and you could get something pretty nice under $75.

...and a non-threaded barrel would be marketed as a special mall ninja 'tactical edition'.

The Packetman said...

+1 for Sevesteen,

Most of these suppressors are made on CNC equipment. With productions needs (meaning, no more NFA hassles) they'd get real cheap, real quick.

Like they were meant to be ... imagine getting a suppressor with your new pistols!