Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh HELL No...

Don't. Just don't.

There is only one Rooster Cogburn, and he's the Duke, not the Dude...

That is all.

Thanks to stretch for making me violently ill thinking how much I loathe Hollywood...


Robert McDonald said...

One wonders when they'll have the balls to try and remake some Clint Eastwood movies.

Unknown said...

Truly another sign of the Apocalypse, or just a really bad decision by Hollywood. Jeff Bridges? Hooooolieee Sheeeeit.

DaveFla said...

What could go wrong? I mean, really: according to IMDB the domestic gross for "Wild Bill" was just over two million dollars! I'm sure this will be as big a hit as that was.

(Fortunately, I have the original version on DVD.)

Atom Smasher said...

I dunno. Looks good. When the Coen Bro.s are good they are GOOD. And in my opinion htey are long overdue for some good.

Bob said...

The late John Vernon would have been good in the role. In Portis' novel Rooster Cogburn is described as having a paunch or beer gut, so you'd want someone a bit stocky to take the role. If fidelity to the novel isn't a concern, then Sam Elliott is your obvious choice.

Mrs. Widget said...

I would be interested in this. I do like the Coen brothers stuff. Also the novel is much different from the movie, being turned into a vehicle for the Duke.
Though the original had the girl dealing with all the adults, then breaking down with he father's gear.

Bubblehead Les. said...

No, No, No, No, No Frackin' No!

Veeshir said...

Matt Damon is playing the Glen Campbell's role.

I guess it's now okay to mess with Texas.

Eric R. Shelton said...

I hate to say it, but there are those of us who think John Wayne's decent movies begin and end with those co-starring Maureen O'Hara. I grew up with Tron and Starman. I'm a lot more likely to enjoy this version, heresy though that may be.

agg79 said...

Hell no. Now I am going to be depressed all day. There are just some movies that should never be remade. Just reinforces how hollywood has run out of original ideas. What's next? A new Dirty Harry movie with George Clooney?

BobG said...

Next thing you know, they'll remake African Queen with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Angus McThag said...

This is likely for people who've read the novel and hated how the existing movie butchered it.

My father in law is a John Wayne fan, but he grouses through the whole movie. Especially the part where Mattie keeps her arm.