Thursday, October 7, 2010

Raw, Naked Bias...

This is what is passing for political commentary on CNN:

TRENDING: Talent agency for GOP ad called for 'hicky blue collar look'
(CNN) – An ad out this week that's financed by National Republicans portrays three West Virginia voters in a rustic-looking diner declaring that Gov. Joe Manchin, the Democrat's Senate nominee, should stay "right here in West Virginia."

But there is one caveat: The ad was shot at least 250 miles east of the state, in Philadelphia, and features not actual West Virginians, but paid actors instead. And to look the part of a West Virginian, the talent agency in charge of casting for the spot sent out a call for a "'Hicky' Blue Collar look."

You're shitting me. The RNC wanted an ad and contracted to an agency; the ad agency put out a casting call, and somehow, on Planet CNN, this is a story? Are you for real? Wasn't there some angle on the "ZOMG O'DONNELL IS A WITCH MAY WE BURN HER?" story they could be reporting? Perhaps they could dig up another 7 year old document on Whitman's maid - even though they can't find Øbama's birth certificate or John F. Kerry's medical records.

Look, two winters ago when the price of home heating oil shot through the roof, Citizen's Energy put out a heart wrenching ad showing an elderly couple that were struggling to pay their heating oil bill. Because Citizen's Energy gets oil from Pugsy at a reduced rate, they offer it to qualifying homes for cheaper than the going rate, and this couple was able to heat their home again. Cue the happy music, the WWII hero and his doting wife can now survive the winter.

Except that the loving couple were paid actors.

The fact that this is a story tells us two things, both of which we already knew:

1. CNN - and the rest of the media - is so far up the Democrat Party's ass that they need the pants unzipped to see; and

2. There is sheer, unbridled panic running through DNC headquarters and, by extension, the various newsrooms and newspaper offices around the country.

Good. Let'em sweat.

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Amen :-)

Jim said...

Insult to injury. ABC's Diane Sewer ran the same story, with faux-outrage interviews of (of course) the Dem candidate, with only the merest few seconds of the Republican candidate at the end of the interview.

You can guess who got the sympathetic editing, vs. the demonic overtones.

Yeah, they're runnin' scared.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Bubblehead Les. said...

I beleive Bill Clinton's old collage roomie Jeff Kaplan took over CNN right after the 92 election. It got so bad that Rupert Murdock brought out FoxNews 14 years ago today to try to fight the bias. Thank God Algore invented the Internet, huh?

Anonymous said...

They're ads, not reality shows.
Both parties hire actors to
try to bring out the scrlipt,
just like Harry and Louise.